A 300-year old Loli insulting half of the anime community is one of my favourite genders

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totem of undying
World Leader Roulette
The 2020's are taking so many good people from us
The most top secret in terms of secrets
Kenyan TV has the sickest burns
Queen is Pepsi, long lived the Queen
p e r m a n e n c e
Life imitates art
The fact my daily is a Versa makes me feel proud to see this
She’s entering the second boss phase
lol, lamo
What reality are we living in?
Tbh, every MC is better than Kazuya
the queen is dead
Robin Hood must have a stressed out career
uh oh, I forgot about that
Darth Anus
A one day ban is way too generous
Very sad :(
RIP Queen Elizabeth II - A meme icon has sadly passed. Memes honouring her death will be allowed, but disrespectful memes will be removed.
Hol up, wait a minute...
What I'm looking forward to most if i ever become a dad
thank him later
Japanese TV. this is detective ass, and his face is actually an ..... ass....... yes.
Charles Darwin researches the finches of the Galapagos Islands,
"I'll show you!"
Apple's printer is running out of cyan
nice company policy
Gave him money for making me laugh!
This foodtruck caters to what?…. Funerals?
Winter is *coming*
Yes, do not do this
Well… that escalated quickly
Steve jobs daughter posted this today
Definitely not me ;D
Comic sense
My girlfriend tried to bake Minion cookies…
the winners rewritting history
Wojtek is doing his part.
Well, at least we know what he likes!
I'll be amazed if this terrible meme I put together won't be removed
One sourdough a day keeps the horny away
"*** yeah, concrete" in the distance
Hentai Supermacy !
And chickens have milk.
Ganbare demon girls, grow up and become someone who people will show respect to
"German engineering is the world's finest!"
Young Texas woman accesses abortion prior to Roe v. Wade
Haha, Florida Man
Finnish moment
its chili season boyz
Aug 6, 1945 Hiroshima bombing survivor gazes over city remains
No going back.
It is ok to like or not like something.
Ya done goofed
GTA Lobby
Something tells me this dude’s not joking
3rd grade is off to a great start.
: )
She deserves some credit.
*bonk* *bonk*
Gets better the longer I look at it
A very young Willem Dafoe with his loving family
We never think it could happen to the ones we love
Imagine getting mad because some enjoys their freedom and money
Battle of Castle Itter be like
One of them is not like the other
Apple is like the Internet Explorer of the smart phones
I can still criticize a person or country’s actions despite what everyone else was doing.
Better luck next time
Joined a softball league, first game ever got hit in the forehead by the ball
never go full MURRICAA!
That's not a tomboy. That's a tomman
thaddäus tentakel
Good luck everybody
Oh thank goodness, got a little worried there
Stop right there you criminal scum!
He likes woman who can kick his ass
Asking a hugelol user about his day
Be polite to robots
Cyber punk
The one time we wanted them to surrender
Every empire falls one day
*auuughh snoring sound*
California is so hot you can use your meat thermometer to check the weather
Chad mom