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The Rock sends his condolences to the Queen
Terrible waifu choices #3
It’s gone on for a while
I felt bad taking a picture, but he didn’t see.
I know a few
Wow my daughter in law has tiny legs
Boys are just different.
Terrible waifu choice #1
The only honest obituary I have ever read.
Terrible waifu choice #6
Terrible waifu choice #5
That's how I imagine daily meme series
The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, 1988
Terrible waifu choices #4
Hardest achievement
Keith Richards meets Queen Elizabeth for the first time
The queen we wanted alive
My stepmom refers to cheese as “heroin”
The vet called and asked if they could use a pic of our cat for marketing purposes while he was in for dental surgery. I said sure! Then they sent the pic…
Actual Email from my nephew’s school, WTF
I hate POV pr0n without the ass view.
Chinese men trying to escape China while Mao is sleeping, 1969
Get your shit together "W"
horny jail
What do they want?!
No matter what you watch untill you enjoy it
The choices for my daughters preschool
where Harem??
Mom: See? Looks good on you.
Margaret Thatcher briefly rebooted the Beatles in 1990
He may not be as wimpy as Kazuya, but damn he sure is as stupid as he is
Ok , now you have done it !
Lizzy's in a box
uh oh
A modern, updated system
Recently I discovered Little Nuns and it's infinite meme potential
Little People Division was formed by the US Army in 1958
You passive aggressive little shit
Drunk, so the answers may vary. .
According to my CK2/3 knowledge, now is the time to strike
My name is Kobayashi Rawhide
With equal amount of piss you can pass
The artist formerly known as Prince
Even the fr*nch joined smh
All I’m saying is… let’s explore our options, Canada.
Megumin thanks you for sorting by new <3
Can't tell if he's happy or mad
Senator holds up Civil Rights Act, photo, 1964
The real Iroh meme
Eating all the chickens
One Of The First 1905 Anti-Vaccine Pieces Of Propaganda
This way
Dwayne Johnson Everybody.
plane go brr
Little bit of trolling
Society double standards are really stupid
Peak human innovation
My daughter insisted on watching the cookies while waiting for the oven to heat up. She stayed like that for 10 minutes
Since I’ve seen the adds now, it’s time
But how tho???
But who protects the gun?
Comply, Consoom, Cope.
Americans and their ‘greatest’ lists..
The king is dead
Rip in peace
The only waifu we know for sure will be good in bed.
Boss music starts playing
literally my wife always has a doubt on me
The poor Brits
What were they doing?
There must always be a Bri'ish King
I would rather die standing than live kneeling.
sorry for bed English
Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite pact
Gotta miss saying “God bless the Queen “
We found a way guys
Burn on new Iphone 14
probably late to the party but here goes
Desmond doss best waifu :D
US Vs UK meme wars
We taking over like a Harem Hentai MC
60-base time system is invented (2,000 B.C. Sumeria
What’s an excel sheet ?
A WW2 Italian soldier lying in a pile of bricks after the building was shelled by Allied bombs
Enrico Palazzo saving Queen Elizabeth II - 1988
wholesome niggas