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My wife is making a statement; now, my job is to interpret wtf this means.
women, smh
The Vietnam War becomes the first televised conflict in history
I’ve been waiting most of my life for this.
I guess he was the first to find out...
Coming home to pets
I swear they doing it on purpose
you can do it too, just gotta get out of your comfort zone
follow him for more lifehacks
My version of that meme
The verdict
we express our bond through insults
Ooo. Such empty
What you see during a normal trip to Target, right?
Almost makes me cry
Most Chrome users right now
weird, but I like it
Just finished watching Edgerunners and I got this idea.
A true love for corn
Crispy Meme #795
Ivanka Trump Finds Hillary Clinton's 30,000 Missing Emails
A bonnie friendship
When the police have trouble racially profiling people so you give them a hand
Picture of an Australian kid going to school, 2017
Thank you to all those trying to help the Iranian people. Bless you all!
Seems odd to me people bring this up like its an undiscovered fact.
Tell me I’m not the only one
I found the movie to be mid, but y'all blew things way out of proportion
First meme hope its decent
The Brits
Not an ad, just concerned by the future of the open web...
What the kids are into these days: confiscated at a middle school
What the Sino-Soviet pact really was
the Nazgul receive acting lessons in preparation for their roles in the LOTR
But what if the slave trader was a ✨girlboss✨?
Santa Clara Men’s Cross Country team headshot roundup
Goodbye chrome, hello Opera Gx, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Brave!
***ing vegans i swear
Hey, I've heard this one!
Rings of Power PR team/"critics" be like
Memes from the future
I'm ready for all the hatred I'm about to have
Gentleman, they have our weakness
Like I owe you some money
No horny people allowed
I'm losing interest in posting
Do a barrel roll
So they were in space!?
This bell pepper I just cut open makes me...uncomfortable.
Anyone from Ireland understands lol
Another Chrome Meme
The United States declaring war on the Japanese empire
gotta love him
Its been a good summer
Meanwhile in Canada, folks are preparing for a storm in Cape Breton
Why yes, this was very helpful: review for a Ouija board on Amazon
. ‿ .
Girls getting friendzoned in anime be like...
Well that’s ironic
The first ever Myspace bathroom selfie
Everything isn't chrome in the future
dog days
Therapist gonna be needing therapy.
Open your eyes!
Don't forget it
It’s a tough one
TIL. Let the cringe begin.
Bad man
First things first
We need to expose the truth
amogus eyes
Kfc is after me now
who's laughing now Brits
Firefox gang ✊
Cure for polio discovered, 1914
Ah Sh!T here we go again
They forget 1 Millions Indian fighting for racist opium addicted
I’m not lonely at all
IT'S OVER! the Great Waifu War is finally OVER!!!
guys help
First they add mire ads to youtube and now they are trying to kill AdBlockers!
Six year olds are very literal
"We want X back"
No caption necessary.
AW HELL NAH Cheesetoe better stop tat nonsense!!!11!!
90% of people I know don’t even use libraries
Sakura was saving her "1 Shonen Heroine Awesome Moment" Card
You've Heard of Elf on a Shelf. Now Get Ready for..