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shaggie really said shigga
Am I too far in?
The dutch called oranges "Chinese apples", so...
UN be like
I've seen enough. I'm satisfied.
We need more Italian civil war memes
It’s black magic I tells ya
Gaddafi be like
King Ghezo of Dahomey
At least it's an honest sign.
Another Poorly edited meme
Shoutouts to Bowser's voice actor!
In 1945 a man sat down.
The doubt sprout™
Don't even talk about word
Gourmet ѕhit
A bit ahead of his time.
It’s time to duel
I have found and used the schwartz!
happy Leif Eriksson day
Make your own
not a meme, but pretty sure it belongs here.
It ain't the same anymore
Spooky Spider
Neurons together strong
This is mainly inspired by Loud House's fandom, but it can apply to many other fandoms as well.
Dont hunt childrens
Im gonna regret this...
Why is it so hard?
All that hard work making a character for nothing.
New one looks truly terrible
I got Buffy
Took me a few seconds to see it
His signature move: the Sophist’s Suplex
Leopold II is on par with Stalin and Hitler...
I work at a hardware store, my boss updated the sign
Why is no one talking about the adult happy meal toys?!
Why am I so lucky
Chad Mansa Musa
I’m happy to enjoy history with you, bros
What does that smell like?
fake language
Sparta sure was an interesting place
We're just "borrowing" it.
literally 4 days lmfao
POV: it’s 1945
Happy doggo
All according to Keikaku.
The Drip Don’t Stop
Nothing stops Rome’s never ending stubbornness
I learned about Vaporeon today. I'm not okay with it.
Bad news everyone!
The Balkans Triangle
Daily Nichijou meme #1637
Men befriends wolf
how the turns have tabled
Making memes as palate cleansers for my university students. GW gave no ***s during the Whiskey Rebellion.
God creates the universe
why people do that
Knight is best pre gunpowder warrior
Battle of Itter
Keeping up with Kleoprata
Where is the fire exit, the Ministry of Magic?
Happy bday Vlad
Wait where are the Turks
Its Saul Goooooodman
It's not too late !
Xmas for Squirrels
Where are they now?
Was wondering why my kid was laughing hysterically while filling the bath.
Jeffrey Dahmer getting pulled over by Milwaukee police c. 1989
The search for the Holy Grail continues
Character development arc part 2
quite a humorous little fellow
What? kidneys grow back.
The Golden Ghouls
saw this earlier made me laugh
Seems to be quite a big deal
Every sign tells a story
teaching not easy
My life now:
I’m about to spray my new kitchen cabinets.
Stole it
"The hottest character."
deer needs you to recover his chest of oats
Much improved. So upgrade.
I just realized the wife has these jars next to her sink.
humans are strange
Best Halloween costume ever.