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Housing in America.
Code Spaghetti!
this meme goes both ways
Seriously, why does that happen a lot?
Saw this legend using his Mac at the mall food court yesterday.
My Wife wanted a pot filler so I got her this and now she won’t talk to me.
11/9 terrorist attacks
My coworkers quit by sharing a joint in the middle of their shift
Jayrat and Silent Hog.
Good for you Brazil
Please, I’m intrigued
House has falling on hard times.
How are you supposed to answer this one..?
President Obama summons a power orb to slay his enemies
A glorious day.
Daily Machikado Mazoku #149 Ganbare ShamiMomo
I believe I just found the most annoying anime character
I hate the popular thing to compensate for a lack of a personality.
I mean it's better right?
Who names their dog this?
when you are a Med student but also an anime fan
Scientists perfect the art of growing arses naturally that can be transplanted safely to humans lacking in the ass area.
I have a small YouTube channel where I upload songs I’ve written. I was curious about my audience demographics. I showed my friends and now they’re all poking fun at me for making “Mom Music”.
Accidentally made sonic with tan legs and now he looks even more naked
This season is so packed, I love it
He can sell his nuts as many time he wants
yOU CaN’T uSe THaT EmOJI iTS OFfeNsIve!!1!1!
Y’all mad dumb
so relatable
Gigachad Shinji
Why are the police here already?
Went to an alpaca farm with the family. This was the highlight for me
how tf did this get past marketing
As an environmentalist, they best thing those “activists” can do is retire
It’s all part of the plan.
Saw this on instagram, they were probably just roommates.
That's a big Brain move
I’m gonna chop my balls of if they win it this year
If you're born in July then I feel sorry for you.
How anyone thought this was an appropriate name for a tanning salon, I’ll never know.
I'm gonna get canceled
At a burger place in Frederick, MD
Victors don’t write history, they just keep winning.
A cartoon in the newspapers mocking MLK and civil rights movement, 1967. The media has been attempting to make activism appear stupid and idiotic for decades
Good on her for speaking out
Gourmet shit
Are you an Ottomaboo?
At least they'll be remembered...
Now THAT’s some good advice
Not a war against France or Egypt, but against them personally
So baby now you feel like number one!
Deep down somewhere in Shaanxi, close to the city Xian...
ni**a saved ***roaches life
it’s all a matter of perspective
Not sure why her shadow always does that.
Ferrari dealers hate this one simple trick
She said the ottoman empire looks like a camel and sent me this
Magic weapon
haha chainsaw
My wife says I’m difficult to buy presents for. So I made her a handy flowchart.
Sign guy at my local Subway needs a raise.
Call of the night
will me missed
RIP Robbie Coltrane
On 8th April 2013, Margaret Thatcher died. She was buried with a stake through her heart, bound in chains of silver and a cage placed over her grave "just in case".
The First Four Caliphs kinda have Chad Energy about them
Poor Vincent
The weakest hero is a 100000x bigger chad than the most powerful tyrant
Just a sec...
I bet the pasta is the best in town
Expert fire safety placement
complete idiots
Young Adolf H. at his first pride parade giving an emotional speech advocating for equality for all. 1933
Density levels over 9000
The Gen Z Uniform
No doubt I will take it!!! An opportunity!
Don't say that to an Indian again
I will see your Mary Hinge and raise you a Loretta Fudge
This Is Peak Performance
L has so many simps
Don’t tell me my Goodwill doesn’t have great records…
They have sinned for disrespecting Van Gogh
This is doing far more harm than good for your cause, you morons?
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 772 ✓
The 4 Cheerful Charlies
Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin
Most honest car advertisement
I wonder what would America looked like now is Spain did not colonize them
Land of the free, home of the brave, apartment 9
Polish as fruck
Exhibit A
Vietnam was a wild time.
Plus you get rid of the flamingo
Remembering this legend of an actor.
Found this on the curb… “I don’t like coffee, please enjoy”
Help me settle this