Has anyone posted the Scripps Turd in San Diego? Commissioned for $200k, it’s supposed to be an ocean wave.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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The perfect combination
just a cute octopus ¯\__/¯
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cute octopus :)
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*V for Vendetta reference*
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I beg your pardon?
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ksayarsa, haksamanish...
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welp, at least i can look like a kung fu master
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This is the right time guys
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prefer the OG one tbh
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microplastics, it's fantastic
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Pure testosterone.
Shitty art installations? Leave it to Portland OR.
Dangit, no chance to sell a vacuum cleaner here.
Spotted in the university bathroom. Facts are facts.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 794 ✓
Inspired by history
I wish this wasn’t me
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If you build it, they will cum...
the irony is how the value represents a dunning Kruger curve