I swear every single top post I've seen this last weeks has been given the award, it's getting absurd.

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I don’t whether this means I’m really smart, or really dumb
What Could Have Happened?
Who could have thought
Someone just walking around like this, and not particularly fast…
This got me cracked Up……Lmao
Also no we werent mad about brexit, maybe cause we're not in the EU
sweet sweet gullible dan
Go back.
An average day in the USA
It's very long
And also pulleys
There was nothing clear cut about the War of 1812
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you
WOAH! Science totally did that, you guys!
An idea whose time may never come but is always there in some guy’s imagination.
The Gigachad Augustus, A name every great man wants
I wonder what William would think of this
I'm not sure I needed to know really but good for him!
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 823 ✓
Orange flavour supremacy am I rite guys?
2/5 cropping
I did it Guys, Ive got a GF
My school says they have no money for computers yet their using them as door stoppers
Getting darker and darker
Mr.Gorbachev, do not tear down this wall
It can't get worse than that
Guinness world record set for largest meatball sub sandwich. 1954
Least obtuse 16th Century scientist
got bored so I made this
"Simply killing the Christians had proven Unproductive, particularly since so many of them went uncomplaining or even gratefully to their deaths" the shimabara rebellion - 1639
She got Yamcha'd
Slow down Natsumi, give the boy 3 more years
jay jay is born
Where’s the event?
when a female texts me
No ALL of them, but more and more keep coming.
hEalTH aT All siZEs!
Not true, some were mad he got caught
Tintinput's friend
This is just sad to look at and it hurts as a fan of the 7DS manga.
No way you guys
A truck was taking TWO park spots at once!
How to speak English crash course
Skeet n' Yeet
sadly you're not the Toby Maguire version
How did they do it?
comfy moment
please consider
lemme tell you a little something about "delusions of grandeur"
You can see
I gotta get my random pop culture references
Don't read this!
I think there are some other characters too? Idk
The desire to kill GAWBLINS transcends series
Kid named finger??
Guess Santa still uses fossil fyule
Needlessly gendered equipment
Bit Ish
porn hub has the nicest community, change my mind
Yesterday I managed to witness the rare and miraculous birth of a seasonal reindeer vehicle while waiting at a red light.
Please stop doing this
This speaks volumes
Now that’s a video game series I’d play.
Scene from the touring Broadway musical version of "Dirty Dancing" 1987
GPU go brrrrrrr... Heated my room from 16 to 18.5°C within 7 hours.
Tik Tok bad
Damn you ADHD
You'd better hope rn-Jesus blesses you
Ottomans do a little bit of Trolling
We're wailers on the moon!
Laughs in Buenzli
Crouching is done with the pinky!
You’re welcome, men.
Canadian Doctor gives some advice
andruw tat
Not trying to be hateful, but there's a clear difference that some people don't seem to understand.
Picture of J. Robert Oppenheimer taken as he completed the final design of the atomic bomb.
freshly harvested
Frankly the reason is lost to me.
Balance of power after the World War 2, Red - US Allies, Blue - Warsaw Pact countries, Black - Non-Aligned Movement. 1956
Xanthippus of Lacedaemon, the original GigaChad
and then he died…
Caesar in the Freezer
Theft is no joke
Make it make sense
Kid named Kanye
King of “not my job”
Toaster bath bomb at the mall
"Alright we've got a tram line set up in Tokyo, now let's foucus a bit more on our iron production"
Tire all the way
Would you ever rent a pineapple?
This is why the Reconquista triumphed
What an upset!