Matt Damon has been arrested for shaving his head without a permit.

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........ it's seems we have made an error in our calculations
someone please tell me, how can I break the circle?
Tribbiani only saving grace broh
Auschwitz prisoners arrested the commandant of their concentration camp -
I hope they have terrorism insurance
And yes these are all from different series
hope no one done this before
The best thing is that I don't know if this is a shitpost or not
God i’m getting old
Life imitates art
But I am Le Tired
Not sure what’s worse, not getting any birthday cards or the only birthday card is from your StateFarm agent.
The Great Wall of Arizona
Nords hate how little it takes to make us happy
Just so you guys know, this is satire… OR IS IT?
Every xmas I give my kids a personalised card. This year I decided to mess with them.
First Fleshlight prototype, carved ivory and horn, European, c. 1800-1900.
Everyone keeps talking about Canada while the US and Australia gets a pass?
It is best to just accept it.
For SilverTalon
1994 - Pokémon started to gain popularity in the US. .
Evacuation Route of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
It must have been invented by Ancient Egyptians.
You've got to admit
Going to play "Guess the gift."
Got my fiance a big package for xmas. Gonna be spreading more than just christmas joy this year.
Fossil-fuel combustion engine
POV: dongcopter
700 wives and 300 mistresses
It's not wrong because
Detroit Courthouse styling
There's also a billion Pokémon to catch now
It's like Daddy is always hiding behind a wall just to jump out whenever I pay my son a compliment...
you are that person who doesn't like football;
The only two role models
I've been working hard on my art for a while now and I feel like it's really coming along
Ready to wrap my Christmas gifts.
you guys had the same realization right?
My wife didn’t have anything to put condiments in. She just threw it in with the bologna.
The difference is stunning....
Santa's Coming!
india momint
World war 2 was won by everyone, and not by "that nation" it's not a dick contest.
Even though it was a job where you had to literally clean up the king’s shit and wipe his ass, it was apparently a highly coveted position that came with a lot of political power
Honestly, I think they do
Enough with those insults *unvirgins your pina colada*
sometimes it's emperor's fault
And also mens section is hidden on some corner.
He failed in arts too
Human Hater
I'm dreaming of a white Stonehenge...
either way they deserve it
Oh God danm it.
Cashier says, “oooh, looks like you’re having sausage party!” No no no… it’s a Barbecue. We’re calling it a Barbecue.
¿Conquistadores? More like Reconquistadores. Hispanic tradition.
The card my 7 year old son gave me today that I will cherish forever.
And they gave all the credit to North Carolina
The absolute state of some subs.
But I only designed that weapon of mass destruction ironically!
Nadeshiko got the Yui Copy Ability!
That's a very big ok
Pft, intuitives.
Look what they did to my girl
I'm coming for C̸̪͒̓͜o̷͔̬͚̐͊m̷̹̺̮̽f̶̭̫͌̀ͅy̵̛̜͊̀
Michael here!
Osama bin Laden even attended Oxford University.
ok, let's be honest
Le funny and wholesome facade, eh
Hey there little fella!
AC CDs theses NuTs
They'll put him on their "we are inclusive" subpage
People need to realize that if we did not nuke Japan they would have fought until the very last person died .
Well he couldn’t have been more wrong
Legend has it, he shat on them a few moments later
Find our yours today!
NASA sends Singer and Song writer Chris Hadfield to the ISS to make contact with Major Tom - 2013
Cronos having his first child
Weapons in Fate/stay night
3AM Selfie During Guys Night Out
The bullying on Thomas fans need to stop
They changed a few details
Yes im a fan enjoyer, how could you tell?
The Warning on this bag of flour.
This was literally how that scene in Hellsing Ultimate played out
Asking the important questions in a Mexican restaurant bathroom.
Off to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over
Seriously, did no one raise an eyebrow at that?
What even is this game now
Dear rest of the world, we aren’t as nearly as bad as you make us out to be.
Yelled “VAGINA!!” at my mom and aunts during a holiday party picture.
Never thought of it until now
Is it rude to ask what his handicap is?