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Remember Timor, remember they also plan to invade Malay
this text message from a random number seems pretty legit
1800 authors in a nutshell
Bro it's so easy to complete this mission I don't get it why it took them so long back then smh
When did Canada became "Nice Guy" of countries?
Worst reason for an assassination ever.
Two Ukrainians teasing Putin which led to the Crimea annexation, 2014
Actually, I'm the Greek and yes - we are loud.
Your steam profile will never look the same again
Maybe i need to delete first?
Can anyone tell me in what order I should watch this trilogy?
Keep it in your wallets
George W. Bush visits New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
This only occurred to me recently
Egg salad
Those dastardly Romans! how dare they steal a...*checks notes* Roman festival date.
Your move, Zoltar
seriously though, they should stop
This is the WHEY
Bruh this is a real question we should be asking
First date and I serve you something to eat on this fine plate, what do you do?
i am kinda surprised they dodged this one lol
Hip hop?
Chad Kaiser Wilhelm will not be forgotten
A flair up of Blood/Crips street violence. Los Angeles, 1982, colorized.
Edison would've been a more suiting name for his company
Thanks to Netflix
Just bring a flag
Way easier than imperial
lol There's a lot of them hard to keep track
Chads every one of them
Interesting...Very interesting ; )
Give it up for Bleach everyone
And being able to vent freely, and signing up to dodgy websites, and...
Bocchi the dwayne
So this wasn't just a joke, but over Simplified being more subtleties than Shakespeare
Title that says it all
Picked up this bad boy for my niece as a surprise Christmas gift. The best part is how she's like, "What is it?"
Blue vs red like usual
Funny how one piece destroys everything…
Another good thing ruined by the Third reich
The Great Debate, Do you Agree?
Fr fr spitting facts
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 846 ✓
Party on dudes
my boobs landed on a instagram meme page today. my family will be proud.
You do you, man
Remember folks, "You stick them with the pointy end."
I'm italian and I can confirm this.
I won't change my mind
The secret ingredient is corruption. Not too much, and not too little.
we all hate it when that happens
Only answers permitted
I wish I could taken my future boss captive in battle.
It’s time to duel!
Why they always gotta do that
people who defend Japan in WW2.
“Shirtception” - my favorite gift every year from my brother. We’re now at level 9.
Illinois conquest of the US 1960 - 2012
i'll go with the Dynasphere, that shit looks dope
what do you mean it is directed by a woman.
I was going through some of my mom's stuff she left me and found this nightmare fuel.
What did you see at first
Do men even know?
live for today, boys
Ireland becomes too Catholic
Love White Hair
ATF knocking on the door in Waco, TX, 1993.
That's chatGPT for you folks
Nana knife
A modern classic
My girlfriend and I have a long running game going with my parents where we pick up filthy fridge magnets and hide them in each other's homes. This one has made it through since the 24th undetected.
woke up to this little burrito today
Too complex
Peljidiin Genden: The Mongolian Gigachad
Yep, that totally happened
*sweats in middle east and russia*
Admiral Spruance was an underrated Chad.
Can't help but think this whenever I see 'CE' and 'BCE'
Well, the turntables
Hail the reforms
Remember kids : Don't be a sucker, kill your dictator.
The early days of European colonialism
Let's all start walking teabag style?
Met Wayne on a road trip, he has been carrying a picture of his pride and joy for 50 years
My mom texted me this picture saying she ‘caught’ my cat doing this. We’ve never seen her do this before
Truly a chad behavior
Meet Aki :
Vassili Arkhipov was maybe the biggest chad that ever existed
Thomas is arrested for his participation in Minion genocide of Algeria, 2014
We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!
Let's see how long this lasts...
i don't want to see that shit
Based Canada?
Puppet Master Jutsu!
I slapped this together.
laughs in uncircumcised