I worked really hard on this and I hate looking at anime Henry VIII it's so cursed

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Not a bad idea, atleast we'll be saved from all the shitty fillers.
Just like me frfr
One of the richest people to have ever lived
These memes should be banned for lack of creativity
Anyone fancy a small walk
someone gifted me eggo waffles underwear.
Accurate holiday season
What millienals want
Imagine being #919
Two old frat brothers decide to shave their dog
It just sucks
cyrus memes day 2
Every year the same debate
Greek authors in a nutshell
My mom’s shower at her hotel…
sparkling watuh
my kind of leader
Most lighthouses in the south are a good 50-60 ft taller than the towers that started the station
So who can tell us what is right or wrong, math or morality alone?
Someone updated Andrew tates Wiki
visiting my parents for the holidays and found this in my mother’s medicine cabinet…do I ground her for the whole winter?
Unfortunately based on real events
All because some guy thought he was Jesus's brother
Charles Barkley leaves Nirvana to join The Phoenix Suns. 1992
"Bohemian Corporal", meet "Failed Chicken Farmer"!
And it went into effect one day later
When teacher doesn't want you to pass.
Big brain title
Water good
fritz haber moment
Once again Japanese tech was a head of the times.
I got some bad news for ya.
how to tell the words apart
And has a harem
Chrome is truly the worst browser...
Or anyone who payed any attention in history class
Top G
You choose your path, get what you deserve.
Edging that internet connection since 1995
There was a man...
what he meant to say was...
Monk illustrators became angry after the invention of the printing press
I would never...
Forbidden keepsake
Adolf Hitler is born, 1889
and she's winning this fight
So? What was it?
The Ancient Greeks were way gayer than many believe
There is no mercy.
In reality, I laughed because we are actually very happily married. We just enjoy little quips like this.
had to do some training for my work. this made me giggle!!
Bought this vertical mouse and my team is making fun of me that it’s too phallic.
I'll take a stab at having my birthday here. I bet they kill at parties.
Local bookstore.
1812 is tenuous given the status quo ante bellum
Amazon didn’t deliver one of my daughter’s gift on time. I guess we’re going to see how long it takes for her to notice Santa dropped one.
Today was the day Andrew Tate’s balls shrivelled up and died
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 847 ✓
Why can’t I stop?
French millitary history during the 20th century..
Printed these labels to keep my kids away from my treats. Works like a charm
USA dropped more bombs in the Korean war in 3 years than it did in the entire Pacific Theater in WW2 only to end the war in a status quo antebellum.
mean level 100
It was his first and last day as a royal taxi-driver
Going to work by train
Remember Timor, remember they also plan to invade Malay
this text message from a random number seems pretty legit
1800 authors in a nutshell
Bro it's so easy to complete this mission I don't get it why it took them so long back then smh
When did Canada became "Nice Guy" of countries?
Worst reason for an assassination ever.
Two Ukrainians teasing Putin which led to the Crimea annexation, 2014
Actually, I'm the Greek and yes - we are loud.
Your steam profile will never look the same again
Maybe i need to delete first?
Can anyone tell me in what order I should watch this trilogy?
Keep it in your wallets
George W. Bush visits New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
This only occurred to me recently
Egg salad
Those dastardly Romans! how dare they steal a...*checks notes* Roman festival date.
Your move, Zoltar
seriously though, they should stop
This is the WHEY
Bruh this is a real question we should be asking