I hate global warming but it's saving our asses how should I feel I am confused help

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Yeah, Photoshop is cool and all, but does it automatically remove enemies of the state?
Work supplied raincoats to the crew but Jose who is 5’1 showed up late and the only one left was a XXL.
1891 - Transylvanian garlic farmer readies the defenses for the pending Vampire War .
Opening legit any kind of video file since 2001
Katsuyoshi why
Polish people under iron curtain
Nordic history
I hate it when job interviewers ask "what is your greatest strength," so I printed up these business cards to just hand out when asked.
Are you interested?
Mr. President J.F.K Security Guard 1963
2022 steam labor of love a*ard in a nutshell
The Columbine High School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold’s yearbook photos
Get good bozo
Unfortunately the car has a photographic memory
What is Frankenstein
the most epic battle in history
They can take 10 years while some journalist find him in days
How did you even manage to get yourself in this predicament?
I'm already over dinosaurs!!
“Lego” set from Christmas
Imagine living in so many different countries while never leaving your city
Traffic Check
Onions are currently over $10 per kg in the Philippines so this.
It's just water trust me
konosuba is one of the most entertaining anime out there
It's Bonjour
In somethings aren't so different after all
we need to do somthing
I Hate Hitler
My city got new snow plows
it's worrying
Sauce: The End Of Evangelion
thank you?
May 1803. Lewis, of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition looks upon the horizon at the Great expanse that awaits.
We got 'em, internet.
It's mine! not yours!
Roman occupation of Judea was an *** time
Watcha reading there?
Very Tough
I love my tinnitus
Corpse of French Aristocrat Gump de Forêt On Display, Place de la Révolution, 1790
Not ideal
Titanic's third class was equivalent to second class on some ships.
A rebel alliance pilot unleashes a feral wookie upon the stormtroopers below. 1978
Oatmeal Rogers, first president of the United States, in disguise
My friend who was presumed dead just text me this
Is that… BRAILLE!?!?
Anti Bucket List
It’s called we do a little trolling
All I have to say is… WHAT… THE… ***…
Why did get so popular
1973. Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin proposes to greet aliens with doves, which would prove fatal 23 years later during Jack Nicholson's presidency.
Gas Station Sushi
What horrible event led to this being a rule
Chain of command.
Sometimes it takes a real man to become the best girl.
The new hierarchy
Comment which stage you’re at!
We cannot forget this masterpiece!
How I imagine people who still work from home
Spider Man: Into the classroom.
We did it boys. We finally have the answer.
I thought I knew it all.
War horses were still a thing back then...
Post American Civil War Moment
Guy got Wednesday tatted on him. Looks more like Samuel L. Jackson’s daughter.
New evidence suggests the fall of the Berlin wall was an inside job
I'm not impressed mr. Cameron
self disappearing 10mm sockets
Hawkeye never dies
In their defense, "Death to all who stand in the way of freedom for working people!" does sound a ***ing lot better than "Death to all Jews!"…
to those who serve us waffles at 3am
Smartest AI we have
We called it a draw
so are we gonna take that nap or no?
Today, we sail the seven seas!
I'm fine. It's like acupuncture
You want to hear another song, Murray?
Who discovered America?
One obsession may or may not be more unhealthy than the other
when the IQ of people on tiktok keeps shrinking
It's already close
Collect them all!
These earrings bought on Amazon are labeled “Super poor quality…by, are you stupid?”
I keep my Adderal in a gun safe. My dad added $6 so it would have drugs, cash, and guns.
Learn to code
Amazon is better
*5th wife
I have everything I need right here in Happytown!
why did we learn cursive