A woman on the beach discovers a race of tiny people, 1943

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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This settles the debate once and for all!
Moms type of thing
Shoes that I just can't fill.
A nice Chianti and some fava beans.
It hurts to even say
How most of these "Teenager Interested In History" starterpacks feel like
Yes, very right.
N w o r d
My first meme. How’d I do?
Sir Isaac Newton inventing homosexuality
Germany shivering his timbers
Didn't push themselves too hard on this one
Imported truck had a slug on it, they used a salt ring for quarantine.
The final penguin general is captured, putting an end to the devastating, decade-long Argentine-Arctic war
Gen Z strikes again !!
at first glance..
The bravest vaccine receiver
The Allied Invasion of Sicily, Codenamed "Operation Husky"
This could be confusing
I refuse to pay since free awards were taken away, so im bringing back the OG home made Silver Award
Yeah france is pretty popular in pop culture beacause they were the one actively helping the allies ... never understood the feud between the pollish and french resistance.
They're all amatuers compared to this dude.
Lithuania, the Chaddest nation of Europe
in 40 years Vietnam defeated France, the US, China and the Khmer Rouge
The Kaiserschlacht is clearly superior...
We are not ready for this
The famous Emu Wars according to AI
Why do people still do this...
Like.. Why?
I mean am I right?
James K. Polk: the best president you’ve barely heard of
Made with devil Contract
What's up with this??
For God's sake what did I just read
figure it out
Do you think my neighbor knew what he was doing when he named his company?
Kojima is a ***ing prohpet
Schedule A Tour!
Spain and Portugal wiped out ~90% of the Native population in the Americas before anyone else even got there.
mr mime knows something we don't...
A little trolling ensued
try to top that
What I'm watching this season
The worlds first time-traveler sees what a disappointment he has become
Police Share Mugshot of Canine Officer Accused of 'Stealing'
Flat bread!
Sometimes we need to grow up and realise we were dumb in the past
Not that kind
Statue of John Paul II in Rome. I don't know where to begin.
The Trojans having an early celebration
It was called Poena cullei btw
Dudders showing off
Taking selfies in the '90s.
Since I'm from Italy I can say that most of the dubs here are fine.
The Blood and Crip beef is started
Literally me
keeping the sexism halal
Hanging out with the boys in Vienna
A single spore can wipe out a whole species
Thanks bocchi
It’s really a miracle we made it through the 20th century.
Ain’t he tho?
They're old now
I know cos I too am ***
This Yukon with personality disorders
Kitty never gives up
Oranges are the best fruit.
MLK would be disappointed in us
Maybe their favorite husbandos are from final fantasy, or perhaps an old anime?
With all the crazy things people say on their cars these days with stickers I found this refreshingly funny.
Online Scuba Lessons
I like to keep my distance from people who unironically defend Light.
Work from home
I had food poisoning and started my pants a little. My fiancée wrote me this note the next day.
Clearly woman just exaggerate
Teenager daughter wanted to dye her hair blue, so we told her bring us something from the school saying she wouldn’t get in any trouble. THIS was the masterpiece submitted as evidence.
This restaurant has had it with the missing glasses!
You can do better, sonic
Amazing Amy
Atleast they tried their best.
The reformation was wild
Friend is undergoing surgery for intestinal bleeding, so I made this for them
Indias uprising against England - 1857
Charles O’Hara mastered the art of failing task successfully
People kept leaving poop stains in our dormhouse toilets so my roommate took the situation in his own hands