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Mindy Kaling has always been trash.
Guess who’s back from the dead Mother***ers.
Damn, why didn’t I think of that?
Both of these paths have a light and a dark side
'Rot Stier' a German Karl-Gerät 60 cm mortar, Sevastapol, 1944. One of only six that saw active service.
Which dystopia is most likely
It’s one of those
Poor plants
this might be my most controversial meme
Men’s apartments:
Minor issue with the film
Gives you wings
Daily Nichijou meme #1741
Russia gonna starve now
I put art before artist tbh
Who TF listens to dubstep anymore
two-digit numbers in German are sometimes complicated
What a gigachad...
I went for metal, not a bad choise
How, just how does this work?
Daily Nichijou meme #1738
If video games have taught me anything...
Ivan the Terrible was so unoriginal.
He nearly destroyed the Arkansas Ku Klux Klan
Easter Island Moai statues are found, 1722
Sorry to burst your bubble again
And Surely, This was a Certified 1984 Moment
Why, yes good chap, I do enjoy snails and stale bread
Velma Velma Velma
I’m taking over this trend.
Gollum motion capture prototype for Lord of the Rings,
Eyeing his next victim
Calm down lady
These optional upcharges at the bar’s discretion
That’s incred…wait a minute
they had cool outfit ,not gonna lie
Do you guys shave?
look at this funny meme, toyota
Fir the Baldwin boys.
c o n s e q u e n c e s
Who made this monstrosity
There are so many others!
They really were that racist
It's more tragic than I expected
My wife thinks my method for stirring a new jar of natural peanut butter is funny but, hey, it works.
Free advertisement
It still hurts to this day
God they're so cringe
Italy declares war on its former Axis partner Germany and joins the battle on the side of the Allies
Both suck
When the elitists come along to ruin everyone’s day
Charlemagne aka Charles The Great with his second wife, a 13-year-old Swabian named Hildegard.
Finally, with ChatGPT I can now date my waifu... though
It sounds like English, German and France combined!
0h shiiiittt
Meme made on Nokia 3310
Misuzu is mood.
Yes, “ufo”-shaped
Not lego city…. what next…
Those dudes were horny AF
Ok, maybe I changed my mind
MAGA Communism is created
The Curse of Cain
First loss in life
uhhh, you think we can beat them back to send the first telegram?
Still longer than other kings
Subaru's gonna love this year.
All these years in the academy wasted
Photo of before and after someone calls Joseph Goebbels beautiful
That one trick hunter-gatherer don't want you to know
It’s a good start but not the answer to every problem
I am sensing a pattern here.
Sigma male archetype
Simpsons did it.
I never saw that coming
The grind isn't worth it. I'm so hungry.
Le chef
What being married to Zeus does to a women
How non-Americans see America.
Mommy? Mommy? It's so cringe, just why?
Maybe I've Treated Netflix Live-Action Adaptations too Harshly
One last SG1 meme
That sure is a good mouse
I like Candace
Velma has done the impossible
Bruh couldn't cope
Rest in Piece John, Tonky and Wanly. I hope this meme post will spread awareness to your legacy. I hope you and the other zoo animals are in a better place where you can roam free. END WAR.
Constantinople, my love.
If only there was a way
Easy life hack for you all