I refuse to follow my cousins on any social media

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These things got hotter than the sun
The US really will measure by anything except metric.
The Monk Refused the Cleric's offer of medicinal herbs
Accio Raytheon AIM-9L Sidewinder Air Intercept Missile with WDU-17B annular blast-fragmentation warh
Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, conducting foreign policy, 117-138AD
As seen in Maine.
Trying to find a period in history when Russia was prosperous challenge
Hanging in there
Animals were very happy in Germany
Ah yes let me bust out my old Britannica.
Donald Trump ignoring Twitter and commenting what his favorite Tool song is
We call it, risky jenga
Insert show here
Men had priorities
And the Swiss are scary
Can you taste it?
Oh well, i sure don't hope this will lead to the Trojan war
I mean…what?
You cannot change my mind.
My son got a Sonic the Hedgehog set of clothes. Here’s the only pic I could get.
P i c k T w o
Tfw no pyscho gf
Why not switch things up and make things fresh?
lighthouses. yeah, ok
something like that idk
Food deliver service
I also thank them for their contribution
And that's when the best speech ever was performed
Trust me, Hadrian was the one who started the Israel-Palestine Conflict
You go from "Germany could've won" to "Germany shouldn't have won"
U.S. celebrates a return to the school year, September 1999
Eyes go burrr
A friend that’s also an avid reader is coming to stay in my guest room for a couple weeks. I left a welcome on his bookshelf.
Prepare to be Liberated!
Hydration is important
“Don’t let that devil come near me”
Michael Bolton finishes recording "When a man loves a woman". Circa 1990
This "fortune" I got...
Successfully took Fort Ticonderoga and was critical in Saratoga campaign and was twice wounded and had a personal relationship with George Washington
Double standard go brrrrr
this unfortunate advert for this new piece
Some people really be simping over their favorite conquerers
Comment section rn
…Who’s gonna tell him??
I guess we now know why ww2 started
It's a foreign concept to some people
Server Error. Tap to Retry.
do you cook?
he's invincible
Feelings have been hurt
My password is not "password"
Why do romeaboos always bring this up?
Saw this crack at Home Depot and couldn't resist a superhero stance.
What is Slipknot a parody of?
Would you follow her?
Only one tattoo
Due to popular demand, I added Satsuki, and some others.
just missed its birthday :(
I'm a bit of a philosopher
Just use it
mm, tom ellis lucifer
we need more words
I've been playing for years and still the lowest rank
it's only game, y u have to be mad?
we're evolving, just backwards
Steak + free wine or pot
Established Politicians vs. a Pro-Wrestler
Home made herbal shots lol
The subtle art of not caring
Regarding Putins latest speech
A fully immersive experience
No need to thank me..
Most masculine priest of Inanna
Hi, buddy!
He must be saved
Da *** dey doing ova der — Orwell probably
Peter Dinklage selling guitar picks
A Charlemagne meme I crafted
Thigh Metrics
This is the last time my cat will follow me into the bathroom
He will not stop
I wish bees could vote
I’ve seen your work
My guy Prometheus did not play by the rules
Actually what happens
you are fired
Free english lessons
When Serana uses her vampire lord form
Onions protected
*Cries in potat*
It’s always the ***ing vapes.