I don’t hate it, but I’m just wondering when this became a thing.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Young Alex Jones circa 1973
All my homies hate Le Corbusier
Can't decide if it escalated quickly, or de-escalated quickly
The perfect woman lives in Maine
The battle of New Orleans was a wild victory
The invention of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Holy shit it's ***ing happening
I would read this so hard.....
What they would say if they could talk.
It is not a naruto copy.
Socrates invents philosophy 418BC
stolen broom
Literary feud over writing styles
The Rutles was basically the godfather of mockumentaries, it was also ***ing hilarious
Ragnarok was epic in the Sagas
Imagine how USA would do in a war where they don't have air and weapon superiority
Two brooos slaying the monster Umbaba, *not* five feet apart cause the *might be* gay
I’m not normally one for conspiracy theories, but this is pretty compelling
Yo Ho
Was listening to American Civil War songs, then I noticed.
The Plague of Athens
The Last Dreadnought
pump jam
Fidel didn’t tell
Which Denji do you prefer the most
3 days to the capital, they said.
Imagine coming from across the other end of the world just to get roasted by the locals
Texas being Texas as usual
Cavemen discover mystical woman and write about it in cave wall 9000BC
When Your Dog Eats Something
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 903 ✓
You are addicted
The English language is a mystery to some people
Just like real life
Alcohol is Delicious.
Just in case you forgot…
Fly pig fly!
Move out the way Tankies, Neo Nazis and Neo Fascists, these guys are even more insufferable than you because more people unironically believe they’re right.
Sir…I think we have a problem…
Surprisingly he lost it
A fighting Man, I’ll be.
The nice architect.
The price is spice
The last season is actually amazing
I’d say they’re equally matched in highness but what do you think?
Achille's heel is a myth. Here is why he actually died.
“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”
In response to another meme of a historical event that has a sabaton song about it
another time another manners
Remember Thor, eyes on the prize
A lot of people forget how the Italians committed atrocities just as bad as those committed by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, but historians tend to ignore this.
There’s honestly like half a dozen other things the Confederacy did that could fit here.
HP Lovecraft's father comes up with a name for his cat
There’s nothing good in that timeline
Parked at the Airport right next to my house!
Separate art from the artist
Wells Fargo...was this necessary to send to me??
It's been a year
Roblox releases full HD texture pack
I lied
YouTube is just getting worse
Part 13 of our ongoing series Knoxville Gas Station Enhancement Pills: The Beast
Most Racist Country For A Reason
My 6 year old brought this home from school. Statistically, he isn’t wrong.
I'm more of a sub person myself
he cheated
What's the worst place you've been kicked out of?
These are completely different characters
Finnish sniper during the Winter War
The word "overrated" lost all meaning thanks to these people.
Brendan Fraser at the BAFTA Awards
Not to mention shitting on Deku’s character so much
Today is Squidward template day.
i don't think the cat understands the litter box
The double pump downvote.
Shiny hunters when their wife gives birth to a baby with a different color
Anime Robot Waifu vs. Commie Robot Waifu
Become ungovernable.
very nice
Must be a slow news day at Fox
The god of sus
We all felt that
This fancy pizza restaurant in downtown Minneapolis only serves "good pepperoni" not that prepackaged crap lol
I was really stressed today, so to relax I drew a fat Leonardo DiCaprio.
Crispy Meme #945
The ents are marching to war.
My 3 year old drew me, and her mom won't stop laughing at me.
Been Down That Road
I would be hesitant to tell people where I worked if I worked for this company
It was the X
Really? We are blaming eggs now?
Yeah that seems logical
The apex predator is still the escalator
My guy Tyr was the biggest chad in Norse mythology
That website is bad as everyone says it is