I'm not sure who thought this was a good idea...

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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And awayyyy we go!
Easter egg hunt getting serious.
This is actually true
They’re dead for sure
What do you mean *WE* are the rebels?
Vikings weren't just raiders
it’s just impossible
Irony is invented.
School's Out Forever Coal Mining Edition
Should’ve renewed earlier
Fake gun to scare snow monkey in a Japanese onsen. This is only for women side. The men side dont have it
That was sad day for humanity...
It's the world book! Wait...
Mexican history according to Indian textbooks
Distracted Boyfriend Meme existed even in the Great War!
My mom made me go to the market while I was dressed as Samara from The ring.
France in the 30 years war
A madlad and an example to us all
Das wurst
Can i have a icecream
"God give me strength" god: "ok lol"
The original giga chad
there aren't even any sidewalks between the store and my house
War Crimes are Cringe Actually
Let’s hear them out
One of the darkest episodes in anime history
I met a super nice retired lady last week who told me she loves to embroider on her free time. I asked for some art work and she delivered these to me today.
The First multiple user Zoom call, being tested in Beta
And so began one of the wildest lives of the 20th century
History Moment!
Cutiiieeeees <3
Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert at CPAC circa 2017
I think this one is obvious
This is how you find the best shows every season fr
"It didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it" mf's be like
HEIL….. oh
Peak male fashion
Drag queens trying to corrupt our children
cross-generational meme
Newborn looking like a middle aged man that regrets some life choices
Idk how they do it
What went right?
Half of the isekais nowadays
Shit managers
This meme is brought to you by: Canada
Official poster.
I’m glad they are organic, I was worried for a moment.
I have not read it. The internet taught me enough to know.
Everybody are a bunch of whiny little ***es
“Serious answers only.”
Never forget Christianity’s origin
Seriously stop this bullsh*t
Mario conquers his first fort, 1988
Before Fake News was Mainstream
"There was no genocide but they deserve it"
With the internet off, no ads will play, no more interruptions to ruin your day.
I asked ChatGPT for a joke. Instantly thought about this format.
I'm not taking any chances
Anyone still remember that thing?
Let's be honest, we aren't playing on the same level
Egyptians sure loved their scythes.
One of the dumbest moments in US History
... is... is my fortune encouraging insider trading?
First Retail Store In America Is Created
USS barb the gangster sub of the US navy
The only time I wished I was in Utah
Personalized license plates are the tramp stamps of motor vehicles.
No I don't think I will give this a title
He’s been here for a while it seems
A man of his people!
its all in your head bro
This was the best era ever
My son working hard at school
talk about a mind crush
I'm not a Muslim thou.
Imagine the unparalleled horror
I’ll give them one thing, they’re honest
The Mayan didn't have any doomsday prophecies, they would just reset it when they reached that date
My husband got me this mug because I love plants. My colleagues couldn't stop laughing.
Have You Ever Felt True Love?
A Cuter Yamete kudasai
The Easter Bunny was at the mall today, appears unenthused.
My sex tape
The Soviets did not *** around
Which is the best hair colour on an anime character?
I look away annoyed everytime.
Might as well give up now, Disney!
I am Asian, and I speak from experience...
Easily Aphrodite. It's too tempting.
No, no he got a point.
I think I was supposed to fight him
I mean, at least you have a warm port
Rosa Parks makes a bold statement by refusing to give up her seat, 1955