Shrine dedicated to the chosen one who saved the planet back in 1997.

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How to start an argument in history memes. Step 1
Happy birthday of formal Belgian independence
What’s going on here?
I think, I just think, that this is a trap
Turned on my old Razr and this is the error it gives me before spontaneously shutting down again.
The farm of 1852
Remake of someone else's meme
"...Okay" *blitz through*
Hello sugar
It burns a lot
A legal entitree
Milton Hershey was something else
How far do the similarities go?
So I heard this quote recently, I'm calling bullshit.
Yo , stop the cap , be fair
Where do you put the line?
Look at the helicopter
just for all that?
someone give me a good duck
Instead of standing around and waiting for heroes to power up
Starbutts Cafe is established
Samsung photo editor is whack
der Apfel
My tea is quite cold
Heh fat amerikano
Crispy Meme #1000
I remember it like it was yesterday..
Wich anime characters wouldnt disgust Madara on a fight ?
Will everyone really be silent about Fricking 3rd impact from Evangelion happening in Tamaulipas?
Zo waar
That isn’t how mirrored text works…
…damn it, Evie
Can only choose one, can’t decide, HELP
I'm not a chronologist, but I think I may be late... for everything.
did you know this? i didn't...
Men would LOVE to be treated like this.
Not surprised
Is it that Hard?
Hes not wrong
Thanks Nayuta
I like older women and they like me
Olga of Kiev invented the homing strike
Oh my gah
80 years ago today, Admiral Yamamoto found out
Uncle Sam makes a brief appearance during his steroid addiction phase. 1812
We need more zuccest
Thetpy are the best
I thought we’d have floating cars by now…
Tardigrades are discovered, 1773
*Ultra Instinct Sounds*
Hot. Ready. $5
“The Water Bear” by Nike
It’s to early to say that the curse ended
Wow its a cat!!!
may we never meet in the wild
Every Serb has two sides
I ***ing love being unemployed :)
All I'm saying...
Our 8th grade practice math test.
Keep gate closed
My dog thinks he is a person
T-mobile coverage map: "Screw Nebraska"
Would you take the deal?
Eminem being honored by Obama for his diss against Trump.
i hope you were ready for top tier comedy
I grabbed my package before the guy had taken the delivery photo
It's 'hard' being me
*my nose bleeds just as I post this*
He knows all too well
That’s… not where I thought that was going
Just a girl playing wth an odd looking thing
Fun with flags
Today I have learned what they took from us
Mods be Moddin’
Punish me sensei!
Some people just wanna live.
Oc 1939/1940 in France
Portrait of Nicholas Romanov shortly before being crowned Tsar Nicholas II c. 1894
I'm an IT support technician and this was my first call of the day...
The brushes lament
Civilization at its peak
When Germany keeps rebuilding its economy after losing world wars
Personally, I can't wait for the series about George Washington secretly being a black man that invented peanuts.
Reading while on the toilet over the years
Sorry, but, we don’t exactly live up to expectations.
Why are people bullying Chris
Company going full Asufutimaehaehfutbw Mode