And the moon is a cube, despite what everyone else tells you

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Didn't saw that coming
She's trying her best, ok?
1866 The Prussian Austrian War begins
He defeated the sea before it was cool
how has this become a trend
The first pornographic video game is released.
Bro was acting surprised
"What is school?" - Netflix
Probably more, but I only had so much room
This is that advanced stupid i hear so much about
Harry S. Truman got very tilted when Oppenheimer complained to him about the guilt he feels
That’s methed up.
If things had just gone a bit differently
This is a very thinly veiled aslhistorians question but that sub has allergies for subjectiveness and short answers so I made this meme and posted it here
Latest from the archives of Whatsapp university.
Strippers at Sonic
Alexa play Fortunate Son
Today is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
I hope my gps was correct
overheated on my lap
Rate the rizz
Hollywood be like "Yeah, like I'm going to pay a lot of money for this actor and not show his face"
At least she didn’t mess up like A-Aron
Start of the reformation
A little note for the next owners
Who cares it's all arbitrary anyway just use whatever you like
Shut it down, they know!
Burger Flip
Balkan Simulator by Tencent
Did not expect to watch balls swinging whilst watching Pom Poko-a Hayao Miyazaki film.
Abort mission echo leader
Wife's new bees got here today. The poor postman...
I don't follow the news either :(
Changing a tire
B and ß sound completely different
A rare picture of the first astronaut who went to Uranus and came back safely, 2012
Sad Hatshepsut Noises
Except bobby
I don't hate it but god
That's for true
can I get an A?
Theodore Roosevelt gives his famous "speak softly" speech.
Didn't think it'd happen this early
Huh?! Huh?!
This is usually the best part of the song
No, too chilly
7 Layer Burritos and smoking cigarettes at Taco Bell. The 90s were sumpin’.
She lied as naturally as she breathed
My 6 year old drew this at school.
Just why...?
Get away from my lungs
The Spartan government's reply to the threat of King Philip II of Macedon
Posting the first good anime meme I've seen in my life
GTO neural webs,use it!
The urge to send this....
How the world sees Belgium
Ehm… cats got a point?
Upgrade Downgrade
It's essential to the plot
A rare picture of Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden playing hide and seek, 2011
Ancient apocalypse has the big suck
Man takes a Binet–Simon test, precursor to modern IQ tests
The 1600s were a weird time for the Netherlands.
Suggest a name for her pls
the spear of linguini
The dutch were cool
But, really.
Talk about loving yourself
Habsburgs. Habsburgs everywhere
Allternate title but longer
Honorable mention: a Chevalier TV show
British soldiers in Tunisia during World War 2. 1942
By the time you realize it, it's too late
Which side did you support?
Court Jester's Life
You want me to say what again?
They had a threesome
Always wanted to go to India
We all have friends like these
Very busy
It's just hot water Giyuu-san!
Hollywood is getting out of hand
Work life be like
Another dumb disney mem
Doomsday is upon us!
overseen at the philadelphia zoo today.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 961 ✓
3rd grader haiku
Thank You Sensei
So then the private said “Sergeant, my rifle won’t fire”
A British soldier goes undercover to infiltrate German Army, 1945
I didn't realise wildlife could be so passive aggressive