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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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9 volts are hard to come by
A hero steps up for the job
My Style Is Ri-dic-dic-diculous-ulous-ulous
They think the world is a fruit on a big tree
This dog is cooler than all of us combined
A man can dream
It's easier with the help of a potion (whiskey)
term limits
namaste brehs
Can someone do it already? I want UFO-accurate laser tanks
Literally me
Eduational video
think big
part 1
All u need to know about me
Honest mistake
Fuk hem
Need a goth buffed gf
Billions must *squelch*
Those spiders probably have massive pecs
Sad shrek noises
This is how i picture Nihlus
madlad Comfy maining 3 characters at once
Anon gets pulled over
after all
Knowledge is power
You get what you ***ing deserve!
He's literally me
>A motorized plastic cylinder doesn't work without an app
Iam sorry little ones
The boss is the washing machine
Joker: Origins
Day one, 3 days in a row.
This will be a pokemon in the next 20 years
Posts with 100% Kenergy
The last thing the ATF sees while tresspassing on my property
Boss makes a billion, I make a buck, that's why I shit in the company truck
The drive only feels like 30 minutes due to cornfield hypnosis
Me and who?
Cain pls help
Average weekday in Prague
No stress allowed
Moon's haunted
Snake behavior
I should could go for a nice cold can of right about now
"Describe autism"
only 116 days till christmas
Pick up some motor oil too
[B]afety first
it's over, the laziness has fallen
what are you saying boy... huh in the head?
still slav
exactly my point
plz stop
Death to bunners
Wolves don't have alpha males.
Our first (and last) date. Shes taking me home early cuz she cant stand it no more
i'm a dwarf
smart dogo
*** sickos
Uh oh
literally me
huh cool
jav time stop
Audi it get there?
The Comfy Paradox
It improved his orgon energies