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Airshot · Poster of the Month · 3 points · 1 month ago *
I caught up with an old friend today—he used to be on steroids (literally looked like Latman). Now he’s bald, a little overweight, but married to an easy 9/10. I asked him if all the effort, the sacrifices, and the years he spent looking like a Greek god were worth it, considering he now looks 14 years older than he actually is.
His answer? No regrets. Said he slept with over 1,000 women, tricked a 10/10 (well, a 9, but still) into marrying him, and lived like a king for a decade. Even if he burns out by 45-50, he thinks it was all worth it.
And I just sat there… thinking.
I quit fitness before even reaching my natural peak to chase money. And yeah, I have money, a serious girlfriend, a nice car… but my 20s? Kinda dull. I didn’t party much (well, as a teen, but that doesn’t really count). I didn’t sleep around. I was too caught up in being a "car guy" to actually live.
Am I heading straight for a midlife crisis in my 30s? I'll have 5 Vodka shots...
His answer? No regrets. Said he slept with over 1,000 women, tricked a 10/10 (well, a 9, but still) into marrying him, and lived like a king for a decade. Even if he burns out by 45-50, he thinks it was all worth it.
And I just sat there… thinking.
I quit fitness before even reaching my natural peak to chase money. And yeah, I have money, a serious girlfriend, a nice car… but my 20s? Kinda dull. I didn’t party much (well, as a teen, but that doesn’t really count). I didn’t sleep around. I was too caught up in being a "car guy" to actually live.
Am I heading straight for a midlife crisis in my 30s? I'll have 5 Vodka shots...
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