AgatheBauer · 0 points ·
"your brain already knows this thing"
"your body does this thing for you and it's super cool"
"this thing happened and it's super sad"
"my friend sent me this thing and it's super funny"
"I forced a bot to watch 1000 movies and it's hilarious"

Why can't people just talk/write normally instead of turning everything into some formulaic buffyspeak ADHD mumbojumbo?

AgatheBauer · OP · 1 points ·
fearing a cooment from Willywerkel

AgatheBauer · 4 points ·
Re title, Alpha Beta... They could name that list "Alphabeta". And maybe remove the last letter so it sounds cooler.

AgatheBauer · 1 points ·

AgatheBauer · 2 points ·
Talking Bad

AgatheBauer · 5 points ·
You waste thousands of bucks for a Rolex, I spend a few hundred bucks to fly to a SEA country and wait for someone on the street to walk up to me and sell me one for tree fiddy

AgatheBauer · 2 points ·
I got another "epoch lifehack": live in a country that's not so retarded

AgatheBauer · 6 points ·
They read it off the antisemitism-o-meter

AgatheBauer · 1 points ·
Not necessarily, and this isn't just about game engines, but also programming languages/runtimes. If you write a Hello World in Xamarin and you get a 181 MB .apk that takes 5 seconds to start on a phone that has a processor clocked at a couple 100 MHz, then no amount of developer goodwill will improve that. Sure, you can make it even worse, but that's the baseline shittiness given by the framework(s) it's using.

The only decision that can improve it is "using a different framework", but that's often not even the developers' decision to make. Sometimes you're in a team and the task is "we're making a game in UE" and then you have to deal with it. And even if you can decide, you might still use UE or Unity or something like that because you can't afford to make your own engine. Big companies like Capcom, Square Enix or Nintendo make their own engines, but for almost everyone else, that's too much of a monumental task for the scale of their games. And often it's even a dependency you drag along, like you make a sequel to a game so you just build it onto your old game, and/or everyone involved is used to working with it because they made the old game, so of course they want to go with that again instead of making something entirely new from scratch.

AgatheBauer · 3 points ·
leftshits get pissed when you show them that their overlords are the biggest scum on Earth


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