anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 2 points ·
bonus like achieved

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 2 points ·
bonus like for guessing where the third pic is from

anon90 · Poster of the Day · 10 points ·

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 3 points ·
usually drunk when i drop posts here.

i don't know where else to drop my ulysses-like-stream-of-consciounses-posts since my homeland was taken over by ***-bots.


anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 6 points · *
rosenrot is my personal favourite

*edit* if you can't watch it on YT, just put ' nsfw ' between the ' www.[place here]

like so:

works for other restricted videos too

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 5 points ·
probably taken from hiddenlol, posted it there a few weeks back.

at first someone from here was given credit for my "left exit offlane 12" or whatever it's called template.

but i got the credit for my own template in the end.

everyone always seems to be amazed some viral meme comes from these sites since it's full of reposts.
but i've got over 1.500 of original memes in my 'S***post folder' from over the years.

even seen one of my templates reach hot on dankmemes
the: zen | zero
hen | (image that suggest hero)


i see more and more of stuf i posted in my 'meme-career' come back on ***.
i've had an influence once, it's all over now. since we're all being replaced with low-skill, low-wage ***ors. replacement theorty is real and in full effect ( just shitposting that last part)

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 2 points ·
sorry fren
just seeing the same posts three times: dankmemes, hiddenlol and here kinda sucks for a template-seeking oc poster.

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 7 points ·
been out of the loop for a few weeks.
posted some after the mass shooting. (but didn't really pay attention to either site)

jesus christ has it gotten bad. both sites are just bot-posts from r/dankmemes.

and then getting bot-upvoted from those same bot-accounts.

these sites are over unless they let HDL'ers post freely (though some restrictions might be in place here)

anon90 · Poster of the Day · OP · 4 points ·
or sponge_hitler posts them here.

and also, suddenly some of them got a 7 upvote boost in a few minutes (on hiddenlol)
so they're literally bot-upvoting their own r/dankmemes botposts.

pretty soon it will just be the admins reposting *** posts and upvoting themselves, just to seem good sites to advertise on.

anon90 · Poster of the Day · 1 points ·
it's actually a pretty wild story, but not getting too deep into personal stuff.
anyways, we're still cool and hang out sometimes. she's coming back to normality slowly.

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