Archangel9032 · 0 points ·
Captcha every ~5 posts.

Archangel9032 · 1 points ·
Goddamn it... well played sir, well played.

Archangel9032 · 0 points ·
what if it's a girl

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Archangel9032 · 0 points ·
erm what?

Archangel9032 · 4 points ·
But that is discrimination, since wizard isnt a race, ***ing retarded americans made this, I just know it. They call everything racist.

Archangel9032 · 0 points ·
ofc they are underpriced, they got a deal with AMD. AMD is making massive profits... and if you buy something by the millions its ALOT cheaper than buying stuff one by one.....

Archangel9032 · 0 points ·
Okay let me pour this down onto your face.
Overpriced videocard not needed since its not in the console
He is using an HDD mixed with an SSD, guess what, consoles dont have SSD's
Casing can be ALOT cheaper.
The CPU they're using is 3.6GHZ STANDARD CLOCK, guess what, Xbox One and PS4 are around 1.6-175.
Motherboard and powersupply could be downgraded to suit the lower quality Videocard and CPU. which will result in an even lower price.

Stop talking massive bullshit about not being able to build a pc for the same amount of money, of equal or greater strenght.... know your shit.

Archangel9032 · 1 points ·
I did have an N64 as a kid. But honestly pc is alot better than consoles. for so many different reasons. The quality of the games, the quantity, the graphics, fps.
You like the feel? How you mean a controller, guess what most pc games support controllers....
It's easier. What is so hard about putting in a cd pressing install. and done... you serious?

PC is masterrace, because of the simplicity yet the complexity. The amount of games and support for every game there is. And the support for everything else.

Archangel9032 · 1 points ·
pay some bloody attention, the videocard they are using is about 200€ more expensive than the one in the actual PS4/Xbox One, so YES you can freaking build a ps4/Xbox one for 600€/$ Since other parts will also be able to downscale.
