arthunt · 3 points ·
Ah yes, the times when console peasants have it better. It runs perfectly fine on a launch PS5, no problems with preloading or playing since day 0. Loads ***ing fast, runs perfectly, plays well, never disconnects or crashes and I haven't spent two months worth of salary on a rig that can barely run it, just to wait for ***ing shaders to compile.

arthunt · 6 points ·
Why does it not surprise me that it's a box van. 9/10 times the agressive ***er behind me is a boxed van or a pickup. Usually these blue collar ***ers (I am one too)think their time is more important than safety on the roads. I also love it when it's dark, rains and you can't see shit and the road is slippery, and some faggôt rams into my ass at 60 in a 50 zone just to blind me for minutes with their shitty led lights to get ahead in a short turn where overtaking is prohibited. I long for the day when one of these retards slips or collides with something after being a complete irrational *** for their percieved saving of time (when in reality most times you can barely shave a minute or two from your drive in a rural area when you speed and overtake like an animal).

arthunt · 1 points ·
Holy shit, you are right! How did you guess?

arthunt · 11 points ·
I am pretty sure this shit predates HL.

arthunt · 1 points ·
Faszt pofáztok erről a szeméttelepről?

Azé nem minden országban cigány a miniszterelnök basszameg. Több tiszteletet ennek a romtársadalomnak.

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arthunt · 3 points ·
This is proof that actual skin color does not matter, because Nessa is by all accounts white. Straight hair, small nose, small lips, normal head shape, no protruding forehead.looks like a tanned Starbucks enjoyer.

So is she really a gyapotszedő N?

arthunt · 3 points ·

arthunt · 1 points ·

arthunt · 3 points ·
