Cloud_Blader · 8 points ·
The idea behind that comic is basically, that it was just a pain in the ass to get at least 100 pokemon together and it was even more pain to ***ing find someone, who had A. an opposite pokemon version B. the pokemon youre searching and C. a ***ing cable for the gameboy in order to trade in the first place. I can tell you, that was just annoying as *** ..

Cloud_Blader · 2 points ·
Welcome to Atlantis.

Cloud_Blader · 7 points ·
This link pleases me.

Cloud_Blader · 1 points ·
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! I trusted you, Youtube! You were like a brother to me! Why.... WHY?!

Cloud_Blader · 3 points ·
Oh really? This looks pretty realistic to me! Looks almost like... 4 PS1s in one! /sarcasm

Cloud_Blader · 5 points ·
You guys just won a ticket for heaven.

Cloud_Blader · 1 points ·
Better call The Doctor to fix things.

Cloud_Blader · 2 points ·
Yep. Exactly my reaction.

Cloud_Blader · 1 points ·
I personally think sloths and people with down-syndrom look similar O_o (Not meant to be racist)

Cloud_Blader · 2 points ·
Oh boy, I used to do that every time I had a chance and I loved it.
