Walking away from a test and remembering the correct answer to a question you guessed on

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Bat's Secret Revealed
I agree
One Way To Get Around The Law
Soccer pussy's
Real tired of your sh*t Chocolate
I see what you did there joseph
Some people...
Your reacton when you lose Internet connection
Good guy
Your point is invalid
That were exactly my thoughts when I watched the first The Walking Dead episode
He messed with the wrong kid
This guy had a pretty awesome day
That's just the way it is
We've found her!
Cougar Hunter
Those girls on Facebook
The Girlfriend Test
But i like sloths
After playing guitar hero all day
I love 2nd base...
I love these Hitler posts
I did this because the meme bothered me for so long
True bravery
Just the Truth
4 the swagfags
Holy moly
Only took him 5 hours.
I am slightly terrified
Yeah this is the good way to do it.
First date
London, Here I Come!
Your daily dose of WTF!?
Filthy liar.
We run dis hood!
Just sayin....
That escalated quickly.
Looks like somebody forgot something
Move, b*tch!
A more realistic Harlem Shake
This Dad Owns
Say Cheese
Grandma, it would be nice if you could stop using caps lock for awhile.
It just doesn't make sense...
I find this both fascinating and disturbing
*_*' Take cover !!!
Excited Puppy
The depressed clown.
The horror
Target Engaged
I give a f*ck to this true sh*t
Hey Fred
I hope you can forgive me.
There's always an easier way.
Now play dead
Nice guys
When you succeed at something you usually suck at
When you post something you really like and get downvoted
True that
Why i hate baths...
How i see other people insulting on the internet.
...story of my life
Cheese motherfacka!
I'll just go through here...
Like a baus.!
Motherf*cking white ball!
Childhood ruined..
Tumblr getting deep
True story
Long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Good Guy Voldemort
Vegans are racist
We have to go deeper
Some times you just have a bad day.
How I feel when people don't understand sarcasm
Infants are terrible pets.
Girl in a party full of engineers
Extremely gay
Bear spotted in LA!
Water balloon hitting the floor
Poor Stephen
At least he died happy..
Respect to true gamers !
Not what you expected
How the first Alien landing might be
Week in review
Urge for coffee - rising!
Getting in a quick 9 before lunch.
Oh Finland
I see the problem
Do you even physics?
Where is the Rum gone?
This is the real harlem shake
Orca is just loafing around!
WTF are you doin' grandma?!