Flump · 1 points ·
Sometimes i feel like *flopp* and *fpepp* sounds is whats keeping me from growing up.

Also fart sounds.

Flump · 1 points ·
The good ol' lunchbreak doobie eh. I like it!
Till this day i'm still smoking them lunch doobies. And the dinner doobies. And the supper doobies. And the in between meals doobies.

I smoke doobies.


Flump · 1 points ·
Stay dedicated peeps.

Flump · 1 points ·
So click Force shut down?

Flump · 2 points ·
Totally get your point. But i can't agree, not when we're talking this low level of strength. Apply like 10-15kg or and your theory seems pretty spot on.

Somewhat relevant to this. /watch?v=qGiJl59Ldsk
This exactly what im talking about. The first thing that happends is that another civilian pulls him down to the ground. and after that they LOSE him. If you woulda put some god damn weight on his back that wouldn't have happened. Additionally, the 3-4 cops aren't even able to contain as much as his arms. He breaks free and starts throwing shit.

Now that scenario could have been sooooooooo much ***ing worse. Imagine if the guy would've attacked other civilians rather than the police car.
That would (in some countries atleast) have forced the officer to pull a gun on him. Wich i'm actually all for. But they might also end up shooting the guy. Just because they were to ***ing weak to deal with a regular sized adult male.

Flump · 1 points ·
That male cop cant weigh more than 65kg. And how that is even acceptable as a cop is beyond me. And i know i know, weight isnt everything. BUT THOSE ARMS A ***ING TWIGS. I'm not saying we should only hire giant ass dudes as officers. But i mean...This dude might be able to brawl a teen. But lets be honest here, he aint gonna do jack shit against the average sized adult?

God damn im such a weakass hater but i really feel like a cops biggest responsibility should be to intervene and dismantle an aggressive situation before it escalates or before the "perp" escapes.

This guy he just, he just wont in so many cases.

End reached.