Fruitcake · 2 points ·
Only if it's taboo tbh

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Fruitcake · 1 points ·
How though. The scenes that are shown can imply any number of things. If your argument is that based on information the viewer doesn't get from the movie itself, then you have no argument. At no point is it shown that the bugs are in such a desperate situation that their surprise meteor attack is in any way justified/understandable. The director basically expected the audience to "presume correctly" without any actual proof and in spite of the information actually presented. And if media literacy is "presuming correctly" then it simply boils down to: "have the same biases as me or ur dumb". In which case the director is simply an arrogant moron.

Fruitcake · 2 points ·
Never watched the sequels. Based on the plot of the first movie alone there is no way to know that.

Fruitcake · 2 points ·
I am 99% sure this is bullshit.
The bugs are not defending themselves from genocide and have not been attacked by humanity unprovoked. It was a bunch of mormons starting a colony in bug space that caused the bugs to attack them. The mormons were not exactly a genocidal force. The bugs, in response to the tiny-ass mormon colony, not only slaughtered the mormons, which most humans would not have even retaliated against, but also hurled a huge meteor at earth killing millions of innocent humans who had nothing to do with the mormon colonization.

The bugs are the bad guys. The humans were just stupid.

Fruitcake · 10 points ·
Why you always godda be so HIV negative about everything?

Fruitcake · 14 points ·
no balls

Fruitcake · 3 points ·
Many if not most films still work like that. Hollywood is a business. The problem is that trend chasing only works if you're actually in touch with the audience and have the skills to execute it properly. Modern Hollywood has neither, at least for the most part. The trend they have been chasing for a long time was "entertainment with a message" and the message being "social justice". Now that the message has been corrupted by many an ideologue, people have had enough of that trend. Now they yearn for entertainment that is less politically charged, more escapist. Or for political messages that do not align with liberal/leftist Hollywood at all. It also does not help that Hollywood has been revealed to be a den of depravity (nothing new, but there was new fuel for the fire). Would you want to listen to moral grandstanding by the people who enabled Weinstein for years for a chance at the silver screen, fully aware that he was just the tip of the iceberg?

Fruitcake · 4 points ·
It's illegal to claim that the holocaust didn't happen. But even then there are cases where it was essentially allowed, because the person who did it was "honestly misinformed". There was this guy who denied the holocaust but didn't get convicted bc he prepared an entire presentation for someone to convince them. The info was fake, but the method by which he tried to convince was logical argumentation, so the court ruled it was not a malicious denial of historical fact.
