Thanks for replying! We have the working at home since march in common. That does grand you the time to shitpost the whole day, makes sense.
The rest of your answers are rather vague, but that's no problem. I respect your anonymity. That last sentence does surprises me tho!
reply to your edit: I'm not from the US either, so we agree on the true definition of football. I am in that HL Discord, but I don't really use Discord ever. But who knows, maybe I'll catch you there.
You see, I don't agree with that part. I am aware of how millions of people feel about what you describe, I know them, and I don't need a thousand memes to understand that, (like five will do the trick). That's just not what's interesting to me.
You for example, I don't care about in the slightest.
I’d love to ask you something, brainrys, if you don’t mind.
You are one of the most active posters on this little 9G.G spinoff website that launched so many years ago. You post almost every day, multiple posts throughout the day. Most, if not all your stuff is political, although it makes an attempt at humor in about half of them. Mostly stuff you get from /pol/, I’m no stranger to the internet.
But besides the fact that you obviously enjoy it to some extend, I also feel like there’s more reasons to post the stuff you post. Pushing a political agenda to this community of maybe a few 100 people? That’s not the main reason either I believe.
A post like this one for example, feels weird to me, it’s kinda sad. It made me wonder what kind of person you are. I believe you don’t live in the US? But more importantly, I wonder what you are like on a personal level. How old are you? What do you do in life? What do you like to do for fun that doesn’t involve shitposting?
If you could even give me a tiny insight into your life, I’d be very grateful.
In return, I’ll reply to your comment with the letter N, and you can fill out the rest.
Then we can share a laugh with your favorite joke.
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