Jackaknapes · 1 points ·
"humans will not care about personal wealth anymore so much but care for entire humanity"

Jackaknapes · 2 points ·
Tesla invented electricity?? HOW DO YOU INVENT ELECTRICITY YOU SCUM? You truly are an ignorant person. Thomas Alva Edison was the first to harness electricity (not invent you utter ***).

The ENIAC was the first Turing complete device, built right here in America. Try again.

Divinci didn't make an Airplane are you high? When did he ever assemble an airplane and achieve flight? Seriously Europe that was the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville. I would send you a clue if I could.

Radio is awesome you're silly.

Okay, okay you got me on ice-cream that was a stretch. But America did invent refrigeration which I just know you are using right now to keep your food cold. You're welcome btw.

Are you saying you don't enoy soda?

America pioneered the Women's Suffrage movement which eventually spread to the rest of Barbaric, backwards Europe and the rest of the world. Read about it.

And as for Communism, you must be 14 to still defend that ridiculous nonsense in 2014.

Like the Man said, *** Communism.

Jackaknapes · 1 points ·
Ha! Do you wear blue jeans, a t-shirt and tennis shoes? Do you use electricity, talk on a phone, use a computer or drive a car? Have you ever rode in an airplane or listened to the radio for fun? Like Ice-cream?

Have you ever had a soda? Do you know any women in the work place? Did you attend public school? You're all living in America.


Jackaknapes · 4 points ·
I don't get it is this supposed to make us feel sad? The kids on the left have that because their people worked together, gathered resources and innovated. The people on the right are essentially doing the same thing their distant ancestors were doing.

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Jackaknapes · 15 points ·
It's just because op wasn't white.

Jackaknapes · 9 points ·
Hahaha you are so mad. As far as culture, Russia killed it's culture. Remember? You killed your royal family line and replaced it with morons. Then you went about destroying everything else that was Russian and replaced it with Communist nonsense. Which promptly led you to utterly fail harder than any empire ever utterly failed.

You're still failing hard and the only way you can get your dicks up is to try to retake territory you lost a generation ago.

Where is Russian glory? Back in the 90's when your parents were burning family furniture for warmth?

Love you man. Such a troll.

Jackaknapes · 4 points ·
Total War.

We will carpet bomb every settlement over 15 people. We will destroy their infrastructure with precision strikes, sending Russia back to the stone age literally overnight in a never ending Shock and Awe campaign. Our Navy will terrorize their coastal cities for months. We will pound the inland cities with artillery and Air Force bombardments again and again, until everything standing is rubble.

We will continue until their women and children are literally crawling on broken legs to beg us to stop. And we will look down and whisper "No."

Then the invasion begins. Millions of Americans, godless, souless, utterly without moral pity let loose upon their lands. We will put an American child into the womb of every Russian woman. Every male over the age of 6 will be summarily executed.

We will burn down their historical sights and we will build McDonalds. We will eradicate their holy sights and build Starbucks.

<Rolling into St. Petersburg playing this loud as ***>


Jackaknapes · 2 points ·
Do you want to get bad Karma? Because this is how you get bad Karma

Jackaknapes · OP · 1 points ·
"... which he attributed to masturbation."
