Jmad · 1 points ·
They do start them beforehand, you just cannot use them. There is some kind of presentation going on for a while, that's it. I already saw that screen, too. After all the comps crashed.

Jmad · 0 points ·
Wow. He looks like a plastic doll. is he even real ?

Jmad · 3 points ·

Jmad · 1 points ·
I need this in my life.

Jmad · 2 points ·
I feel blessed by the holy pastry.

Jmad · 2 points ·
1/ Hair in a bun
2/ Food porn night
3/ Horse wanting to survive cultists
4/ Light wedding
5/ Japan
6/ Vodka
7/ Balanced pyramid food
8/ Wood in the shoes
9/ Japan
10/ The Adventures of Francis the rabbit-ape
11/ Japan influence
12/ Nice looking ass
13/ Freddie Mercury cosplay
14/ Panface family photo

Jmad · 2 points ·
Thanks for the link, the dad was funnier than the glowstick part o/

Jmad · 1 points ·
Why would you even... ?

Jmad · 4 points ·
A funny dude, another very funny dude, and a very funny television program.

Jmad · 1 points ·
This thing is real crap.
