Kiwiface · 3 points ·
How I talk dirty: "You like that you ***ing retard?!"

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Kiwiface · 0 points ·
I thought he was sucking his own dick at first

Kiwiface · 45 points ·
I don't see what's wrong

Kiwiface · 2 points ·
Donald approves

Kiwiface · 4 points ·
He comes back to life as a white walker, but dies again. Classic Sean Bean.

Kiwiface · 6 points ·

Kiwiface · 1 points ·
Where can I buy one?

Kiwiface · 6 points ·

Kiwiface · 1 points ·
"Aren't you supposed to be at school, junior?!"
"But mom, the school was filled with water"
