Mattack14 · 13 points ·
This is older than the Internet.

Mattack14 · 2 points ·
More like "Hey what should we call these states we are uniting"
"How about the United States"

Mattack14 · 7 points ·
'Cause titties.

Mattack14 · 1 points ·
The last season sucks though.

Mattack14 · 1 points ·
still pretty racist.

Mattack14 · 3 points ·
You're looking for hiddenlol

Mattack14 · 1 points ·
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.

Mattack14 · 4 points ·
Nice watermarks.

Mattack14 · 1 points ·
You found this on Facebook because it's almost as old as the Internet.

Mattack14 · 1 points ·
Yes in episode 2 he loses an arm while he and Obi Wan fight Count Dooku and then his one arm last real arm and both his legs while fighting Obi Wan. FYI because he lost both of his arms he cannot use the force to create lightning like Palpatine.
