pucflek · 2 points · *
Oh you meant like that! Sorry for misunderstanding, not what i was saying. That's part of what i meant by making a living. I don't actually like my job lol. I mean i like the team i work with, which makes the work actual fun and not a chore, but i could cope with it even if i hated everyone there.

thats what "there ain't more to life than finding a way to make a living and then spend surplus on stuff that amuses you".

I make decent wage, but i could jump down to a minimum as a clerk at some postal service and whatever and still enjoy my life just as much, because i would still be able to pay bills and i would still be able to do stuff i like to on my off hours.

Ofc, some enterpreneur that makes million a month lives entirely beyond my means, but tbqh i could not be arsed to put in the effort even if i had some groundbreaking idea. Wagie life for me. As long as i have fun living, does it even matter?

pucflek · 4 points ·
There are like fifty branches of philosophy that made it their purpose to explain what life is about. Maybe thats why people are confused. Im personally with NewLol down below. Just do shit you enjoy.

There ain't more to life than finding a way to make a living and then spend surplus on stuff that amuses you.

pucflek · 2 points ·
Yeah thats fair. European Union is good concept, and it does have lot of upsides, but is also at times really ***ing retarded in execution.

Don't disagree there, they are really intent on shooting themselves in the foot to virtue signal instead of actually tackling issues.

pucflek · 3 points · *
I mean, the Tariffs would come either way. [Trump]He's been saying that he wants to leave nato etcetera etcetera, that all trade must be equalized and shit like that. I will be very surprised if the entire world economy, including US, grinds to a halt (figuratively). Dude literally wants to tariff Canada because of nearly non-existent fentanyl issue. As in, far more of it flows north from US than flows down from Canada. He's just making up reasons to do whatever the *** he wants.

I think the important takeaway from this is that Europe should've gotten itself from under US at some point in the last forty years. They've helped us out, sure, but that probably doesn't mean we should've let our manufacturing capabilities and militaries go to shit because we expected we could always rely on them. Turns out all that decided if they are ally or not was the orange bobblehead taking office.

pucflek · 3 points ·
Yeah. It was a French senator. Had a speech about current political climate from europe's view.

"Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine... We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor."

pucflek · 1 points · *
"Its very convenient that its parties of shitheels that are the russian puppets".

Its not convenience, its design. Russia supports whoever breaks the already fractured but usually at least sometimes semi-functional governments of more western countries. At the moment, its the populists jackasses (well its usually the populist jackasses, but it didn't always used to be). It honestly boggles the mind that half the people on this site will go "Soros and Israel are manipulating other governments through insertion of jewish agents into infrastructure and financing foreign parties that align with their interests" and then refuse to acknowledge that Russia is doing the same shit and ***ing perfected it in a way no other country has done yet because it gets them ***ing results.

Who the *** do you think Merkel worked for. Ties to russians from times of Eastern Germany, got entire German (and by proxy most of European) economy hooked up to Russia. Followed up another chancellor who spent his entire post-term life working for russian owned corporate.

Of course there are people who are interested in war in ukraine for entirely pragmatic reasons, but acting as if Russia isn't actually the enemy of current day Europe is ***ing retarded.

pucflek · 4 points ·
Based wolf hunting dog.

pucflek · 2 points ·

pucflek · 3 points ·
8. People who are worried Russian expansion won't stop at Ukraine.

pucflek · 5 points ·
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
