pucflek · 2 points ·
yea like Killersmail says, i think thats what he is going to do with the hammer.

pucflek · 1 points ·
Compressed spring is essentially a ***ing bomb.

If that metal piece gives out, the guy basically made a hood claymore and then wants to bang it with a hammer.

pucflek · 1 points ·
Yeah, british, its about 6.3 kilo or something like that.

pucflek · 5 points ·
The sad shit is that these ***ing "nationalists" are then shilling for Russia. Actual ***ing clownshoes. Instead of properly building up military they bend over for mr putin.

pucflek · 2 points ·
Anything that could possibly cause a hurricane would consume enough energy to power entirety of globe for couple of days. Considering ***ing Bitcoin nearly sank US grid, even if i believe (and i don´t) such a technology exists, it would be fairly easy to actually find out.

pucflek · 1 points ·
Its honestly got a lot to do with living in the century of find out while people before us lived in century of *** around.

pucflek · 1 points · *
Okay, so... cloudseeding is releasing a mixture of chemicals into the atmosphere to cause a reaction that ends up with a rainmaking cloud.

Contrail is a condensation of water. So yeah i guess its not impossible for Contrails to form a cloud of their own, but you would need a metric shitton of planes to actually form a consistent one, and i am not even sure you could physically even get enough of them to make it a raincloud.

I dunno if "that" is harmful, but if it is, its probably for the same reason as usage of plastics or the world´s continued reliance on petrol. Too much of it at once instead of in moderation and too comfortable/lobbied for to discontinue.

pucflek · 1 points ·
You mean like this or what?

pucflek · 2 points · *
Because chemtrail isn´t cloudseeding. "Chemtrail" (actually a contrail) is condensation lingering behind the plane. Cloudseeding is done by a cargo or spray plane with some kind of iodide or some shit.

They boof it into atmosphere in large lingering sprays that should if lucky eventually cause cloud to form. The difference is that chemtrail nuts think that every plane flying at the altitude where contrails form is actually making chemtrails. Its just the special ones equipped to do it.

Its not done much nowadays in the west because the potential environmental fallout is poorly understood, but the chinese are really into it and there used to be plans in Iran back in fifties to cause more rains that way that didn´t pan out because cloudseeding is kind of unreliable.

pucflek · 2 points · *
Yeah okay no, chemtrails are dumb.

You need a specialized mixture to cloudseed, chemtrails ain´t it. Its just water.

Cloudseeding is usually done by plane thought yeah.
