SeniorTacos · The Insane · 17 points ·
I miss you too

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 6 points ·
It's been 5 years... it's time to confess

This meme is meant to help you get the courage to ask the girl you like out so you get one loyal gf

But... it would be ***ing funny if it would randomly happen kek

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 8 points ·

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 9 points ·
Noice, this is the power of memes

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 2 points ·
HoHoHo, I can at least come back for a quick comment!

Happy new year dafolzey

SeniorTacos · The Insane · 26 points ·

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 3 points ·
Oh Oh Oh!

This gives me an occasion to use my Chika Padoru!

Well, it seems like I have nothing to tell you. You have the proper mindset and you've went on and read many of the things I wrote in here, so more would be meaningless.You're with of both of us doing better seems like our fate to me.

Well, let me remind you that what matters is to take small, but steady steps. Take the time to be satisfied of your objectives. Sometimes the hardest thing is to realise our own worth.

This is also likely my last comment. What a wild ride everything in here was.

I remember being stressed over my first meme, and it making its way to front page. I quickly found the process addictive and wanted more and more of that internet fame.

I made my way into two communities, to eventually leave it and start my own, which grew to totally a unforeseen size.

Streams, events, shitposting battles, making rivals, enemies, but mostly, friends.

So, Hipnotyzer, late Merry Christmas and happy new year!

And to anyone else reading, good bye. Thank you all for the story we build together.

I will also leave my favorite quote to mark the end:

"People have to save themselves. One person saving another is impossible."

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 1 points ·
This is so sad, can we yeet children?

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 1 points ·
What? Don't sell it!

It's my card, I need it. But we can probably use it to yeet the steam system and get 5 Euros

SeniorTacos · The Insane · OP · 3 points ·
Oh Oh Oh!

You wanted? This means you got it?

Well, just in case you don't, let me write you about how I manage to find the will when things aren't so good!

You must break your routine, in any way. You keep saying "I should play this game", do it. "Haven't talk to my friends in a long time", but scared they won't care? do it anyway.

Sometimes, something as simple as taking a walk can be the start of a new journey. Our mind and the lethargy that internet can provide us says the opposite, but there really is a world to discover both outside, and inside of your home.

Merry Christmas lorsom!


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