Internet War Criminal
533,564 The Insane

Joined 5 years ago (2019-04-23 22:29:30).
Has 533,564 Karma.
Created 12,030 posts.
Wrote 11,126 comments.

Achievements Info

The Insane 05.01.2024

Poster of the Year 31.12.2023

Commenter of the Month 31.10.2024

5-Year Club 22.04.2024

Wise 28.06.2023

4-Year Club 23.04.2023

Poster of the Month x5 27.02.2023

Karma Hunter x13 18.02.2023

Hardcore Commenter 02.07.2022

3-Year Club 23.04.2022

Gold Club 12.04.2022

Hardcore Poster 08.07.2021

Experienced 08.01.2022

Pepe Collector x3 05.01.2022

Commenter 16.07.2021

2-Year Club 23.04.2021

Silver Club 05.02.2021

Commenter of the Day x55 04.01.2021

Poster of the Day x235 18.10.2020

Poster 18.10.2020

Casual Commenter 09.09.2020

Bronze Club 20.06.2020

Casual Poster 07.05.2020

Lurker 02.05.2020

1-Year Club 23.04.2020

Verified 23.04.2019