Sonichu_ · The Insane · OP · 3 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 3 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · OP · 2 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 1 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 2 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · OP · 3 points ·
Have you been living as a goat on an Estonian mountainside for the last 25 years or something?

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 4 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · OP · 5 points ·

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 6 points · *
That, I believe, is a tube of 'American Cheese (TM) (salt flavoured corn syrup)'.

Sonichu_ · The Insane · 3 points ·
Uninstalled WT in January and haven't played touched it since. I don't miss it. Single and coop is way more enjoyable than pvp.
