StefanescuAnca · 1 points ·
How in fks name are Whovians between Apple Peasants and Vegan Nutters? Really?

StefanescuAnca · 0 points ·
^^ this is exactly what we were talking about :)

You just went full retard. Go back to your cave.

Seriously though, thanks for making me smile.

StefanescuAnca · 2 points ·
And let's not forget the marketing gold mine named Chopra. I could watch those videos for hours and still laugh my arse off at the mangled hogwash he spews. He´s like a fortune cookie.

How could anyone want to silence such beauty?

StefanescuAnca · 1 points ·
Stop downvoting this guys comment and read it to the end.
Have a +1 from me good sir :-)

On Topic: the Dawkins vs. Wendy Wright debacle comes to mind

End reached.