suicide_hero · 2 points ·
Why do all liberals always think that the earth is round and that covid wasn't a hoax tho

suicide_hero · 5 points ·
"you have schizophrenic autism or something, here, take these and go away, I don't have much time"

suicide_hero · 2 points ·
You might be the first human who got domesticated by bugs

suicide_hero · 1 points ·
- said the virgin incel, hoping that showing an anime pic would render his opinion more credible

suicide_hero · 5 points · *
Yeah but the one on the right probably has some success as well

suicide_hero · 1 points ·
The bugman has a social and sexual life while the gigachad is a bored married voting townsman

suicide_hero · 2 points ·
They are doctors

suicide_hero · 1 points ·
you can use it to seduce h0es and fork the day after

suicide_hero · 1 points · *
That’s good son, say no to droogs

suicide_hero · 2 points ·
Dick doesn't work greatly on mdma tho

Fun fact, I actually joined in 2013 when hugelol had like 50 memes and liked ***. Then erased my account in 2015 cuz I wanted to mature. Then rejoind

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