Fun fact, I actually joined in 2013 when hugelol had like 50 memes and liked ***. Then erased my account in 2015 cuz I wanted to mature. Then rejoind

Joined 8 years ago (2016-09-21 11:01:13).
Has 2,192 Karma.
Created 26 posts.
Wrote 1,072 comments.
Upvoted 683 posts.
Downvoted 24 posts.

Achievements Info

6-Year Club 06.02.2024

5-Year Club 13.11.2022

4-Year Club 20.09.2020

3-Year Club 21.09.2019

Poster of the Day 27.07.2024

2-Year Club 21.09.2018

Bronze Club 16.06.2022

1-Year Club 21.09.2017

Verified 15.02.2017

Casual Commenter 18.12.2016

Casual Poster 12.10.2016