Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 4 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 1 points ·
Just ban every wedding to just paper signing in the UK then until all homeless are helped if you care so much.

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 13 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 5 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 5 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 6 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 2 points ·
I had one of these, believe me when i say spending a little extra on toiletpaper is alot better then cleaning chunks of shit off your ceiling.

Some like the threat of having a wildly spinning object mere millimeters from your balls. Although life does feel alot better knowing that every shit you roll the dice at stray pube getting hooked and this thing thing ripping your dick off, flinging it upwards like some kind of floppy hotdog.

just my 2c

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 6 points ·
I cannot believe

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 4 points ·

Vhaarius · Casual Commenter · 1 points ·
this is more mesmerizing then it should be
