wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·
literally makes me sick and unable to watch

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·
Even if you have the finest music taste ever, you cannot decide on behalf others whether they get triggered or not

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 5 points ·
Then you don't listen to music

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 3 points ·
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
top left!

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 1 points ·
does anyone have the source for this on youtube? (No, not the song)

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·
I wonder what portion of the comments are not ironic

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·
ah I see, so it is personal memories then. I often used XD and was told some times to use xD instead

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 2 points ·
why do you think capitalising an emoticon would change it acceptance?

wombocombo · Bronze Club · 1 points ·
