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Sorry if I repost. No link required and I will delete it. Just don't lie. I have not been on in a while.

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You're on camera, guys!
The advantage of being a star
Cheerleader tryouts
This is why Goku is the best
Cheese MotherF***er!
Like every night...
lawn rider
Meanwhile in Japan
Dad of the year
This seems about right.
Turkey cannot into Europe
seems legit
i dare you to slap me
Scumbag Mario
these dance moves are unbeleavable
Pretty true
Sad but true
There are people who have bad luck...and then there is Brian
unlucky luthor
Good one Ellen
The Big Question
MMA womens
well said
No offense For mac users . xD
the weasleys
find your true love
Bear Grills will envy them right now
a potato
just cheetahs stuff
Oh, Ellen...
I guess someone has something to explain
I should get a Dicaprio
Funniest quote from Zack and miri
If you know what I mean ;)
I wish I danced as good as this duck
Airport paddling
After high school
Woah dude too far... too far
You can`t do tha...ow..ok..
Classic Homer
Captain America's shield
it did
It's not that we didn't warn her.....
Badass Taxidermist
Barney with the buzzer!
Pure Memories
I can do that, hold my beer..
Most Humane Thing Ever
Jack nicholson is a dirty old man
Well that escalated quickly
HULK SMASH...through logical falacies with well-reasoned arguments containing a balance of fact and
The summer is coming!
nailed it
The Truth Discovered
Instant Karma
we all have those days
I am your idiot...
Nailed it
Heavy Weapons guy approves
Monkey business
Super shaver
Is just not fair
you know nofin John Snow
Get your shit together Kayla
Kari Byron survives an earthquake
Fly my precious, fly
Football the way it should be played by real men
bad luck Bran
Day 44 they still think I am a Pepsi bottle
Gamers worst nightmare
Dat pear
#New kids
even memes have ancestors
This guy definitely has a guardian angel
Bieber's designer
oh the irony
This was parked in a carpark
I wish i could do this
GEOlino MELTDOWN - The first board game that melts
When i see people using hashtags on facebook
i'm jealous
Hohohoho a pirate's life for me
Wow.. how long have you been standing there?
This is a serious issue!
My worst nightmaer
that would solve everything
Dammit human, just let me taste you!
10/10 would wear
I laughed way more than I should have.
Bounce House
The reason why i love Top Gear.
Stephen Wiltshire
Damn FBI