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Sorry if I repost. No link required and I will delete it. Just don't lie. I have not been on in a while.

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The internet is over now... I hope this aint repost yet
Flu injections right..
help me pls
Greg has trouble fitting in.
Be sure to blush
explain this sorcery, human.
That escalated quickly
Call an R.C ambulance
Best Prom Ever
The old oiled floor prank
Old Butt gold (ba dum tss)
me in the grocery store when my mom escapes
I am not a clever man
I'm beautiful, b*tch!
Have I seen this before
Bad Luck Bloke
It took me a solid half hour to whip this out.
This cow has it all figured out
The Joker comes clean
Hold My Beer 16
How surgeons *** with each other
I heard you...
MacGyver can get away with anything
thats how i did it, too
when tumblr gets deep
So Tom is crazier than him?
first world problems
/b/ has done it. /b/ has finally gone too far.
How do you even manage...
When someone tells you to pause an online game.
I feel you Jorge...
Joking around in class will get you nowhere in life
Mana running low? Could go ahead and refill it.
Easy, eeaassyy, whoa sh!t, aaahhh!
Up down up down left right left right B A, Use the sleep!
Dumbledore, he's so good at rules.
Well, he passed it...
Japanese Binocular soccer
life hack
Battlefield 3
When chopsticks fail
damn humans
Mein Reich! Upcoming elections are making germans creative...
Horses not zebras
Plot twist
You mean windows 8?
I'm just so glad the feeling's mutual...
Doesnt matter had... no wait
Who Wore It Better?
never thought of that before
plan successful
Me as a father 2
I freaked out
Scumbag birds
Good girl Emma
The burn that batman deserves
Me as a father
Everyone, come together to witness the happiest little puppy.
Meowth burning james at the speed of light!
apply cold water to the burned area
Agree, blastoise is way cooler than a waffle iron
doesn't matter still had sex
one weird kid
Ba dum tss
I never realised how much I wanted this to happen...until now that is
Hate it when that happens
Japan does pranks right
Quite impressive
Smooth criminal
Everything is fine
The great white round one
About the Miley Cyrus posts..
and i thought my room mate was always an idiot
Some people should think before posting something
This type of post always seems fake. But this is legit.
How metalheads meet.
lets play the game called "name the next tumblr comment"
Where is it?
Done with tumblr for this month
Romeo and Juliet 2013
Because Russia
sometimes i cant take no for answers
dat feeling
Engineers will understand
be careful with what you eat
Why did I marry her if she can't cook
Who looks stupid now?
this guy
it may not look like a lot
The dad of the year award goes to