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My kind of shirt.
if Rob Liefeld made the captain america movie...
But it's free!
Nice Reporting Skills, There!
He never saw his alcohol
Well. Shit.
google understands me
Dat Ass
What is This? A Fight Club for Ants?
Basketball isn't for everyone
They really look alike.
The best type of bribe
i loled
One true king of Westeros
She's no longer a virgin
When EA buys a new gaming company.
Proper english-french dictionary
The world isn't cumming to Miley Cyrus.
When I was young, playing outside and my mother came to take me home
GTA 5 reached the $1 billion milestone within its first three days on sale.
A good deed done! Oh...
Gj Harry, gg.
Joke's on you, didn't even tilt my head
Who wore it better?
That could have spared some lives
Those nips are gonna pikachu
That's for Russian.
Some saw it coming...
Bohemian Rhapsody.
How to break the dreams of teenage white girls
We're not all monsters
The magical power of beards
Oh yeah!
Get cho punk ass outta there
Exercising like a boss.
That explains the whole thing
Way to make progress Ash
Marshmallow love.
God damn it, Norman!
Make love, not war
The Trainer way to pick up chicks
Try harder pls
All hail mother Lilith?
The Tumblr..
Oh me so important!
my mom finds something in under a minute that I've been looking for for over an hour
Scrubs was the most medically accurate show on television
Look who won the german elections
Beat that, Gandalf!
The good days
Bro I'm not gay, but I like making out with male. Did I mention I'm not gay?
Cooking up some diabetes
This boy will go places
He is not a mortal HE IS BATMAN
Whoops - excuse me mirror girl
In that case, I think I'm dark pink.
michael is getting pissed
No more ocean for me
I would pay to see that
karma is a ***
A man gotta do what a mans gotta do.
still not a goOD ENOUGH REASON to use thEM
***ing Susan..
maybe you should just use a mood ring
I knew Skrillex was just a blender..
Not a bad thing at all.
Look at all the noobs
wtf kid?
Everybody do the flop.
The third outcome.
I'd say Hades got burned, but, well...
what a problem
Well that escalated quickly...
Make me some pancakes
THAT comment
Looks like someone snailed it.
Who wouldn't?
Paradise in a single setence
Dem Instagram B*tches
and kids.. thats how earth got invaded
Top of the leaderboard
Dat ass
Batman is always pissed
have you ever had one of those days that just made you snap?
Swag galore
At least he admits it
I'm sorry, Jesus.
Where can I buy one.
Those foster kids...
I did too