the guy on the background is so used to her stupidity that he doesn't even care any more...

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It had to be done.
When people get "participation" awards
Patrick knows what's up
yes. yes it is
Most romantic thing I've ever seen
I raced a snail. I almost won!
I went to summercamp once
Just don't
We live in a world of lies and false advertising
Learn to play fagg*t
Yo Dawg! I heard you like killing yourself, so we will kill you for trying to kill yourself
History Class in the future.
Mr. Freeze
Taco Bell is my friends Husband
Sound About RIght!
He did it!
Dat facial expression
So true
It usually keeps a pH of 4.5
I don't have a life
All in.
C*ck block lvl Gary Oak
So reinvent
Worth A Shot!
I'm done here
Never even noticed.
I'd bribe the little ***er with my car
Dafuq bro
Getting tired of your shit here.
Seems legit!
Never Noticed.
Conversations in a nutshell
Racist Penguin.
Yes officer, his name is "pizzaboobs93"
Oh Isabel, you so silly.
can't stop watching
Pic really is unrelated.
no one understands men
Look at the pic!
god is kind of a douchebag
Not sure how to feel about this
Goatees make everything better
Oh sh*t sh*t sh*t
oh, that good old show
My textbook never fails to make me laugh
Like most of the internet arguments
The most satisfying feeling ever
Its just not the same :(
bros before hoes
Hedgehog imitates Miley Cyrus
I waited a whole year for this :)
Where will you be when FPS drop strikes?
It's hard to understand women..
Clothing logic
He has his priotities right
Cant unsee
Gettin really tired of your shit, Robin.
"OHMYGOD" indeed
nope, that is your phone acting gay
One thing a Tablet can't do
Me trying to get out of school/college
Please, i can't live without you anymore
My childhood..
Fire Crotch?
It has started.
I need this!!
my sister said she's a hipster with swag
apply burn heal!
Leave no Jehovahs witnesses
They LIED!
It's cool bro, I got this
chooo chooo mother***er
Always check who you are texting!
Trying to have sex in a dream
We need a new superhero
Whenever I try to impress a girl
"Where did Tyrone go?"
Trevor basically is 4chan turned into a single person who happens to be adept at murdering people
Here's an opinion. I think that the best place for my foot is in your ass.
Palcatraz.... I'll allow it
men never grow up we just get bigger
I like turtles.
No harm done.
Nicolas Cage should play the father
Don't be that guy
When I see my ex trying to avoid me at a social function
Sometimes you just can't handle the attractive girls!
Envy . . .
when Girls next door talk about sex experiences
when my friends ask what I do in my spare time
Everyday boobing