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I annoy myself by doing this
Oh Snap!
Youtube Always Has An Answer.
No wonder the're always late
wow kinky much sexy
Sneaky Sea Lion
I legit giggled at this
Light them up!
When OP is hungry
*insert cool, punny title here
Damn right.
Have you ever been so high...
Anyone else like a girl with long legs?
Just some tumblr
Found this on my brother's desk. He's 23.
Epic Droopy
not cool
My IT Department at Xmas partys.
The creation of OP.
laziness level: over 9999
I Guess He Feels Foxy
It has seen things
Young guy
The perfect day
There's always 'that guy'...
Am i doing this right?
Only rabbits my friend
Dinner is ready !
I am the danger.
and no funny business
Hey yo stop wow ... oh ok
and ned flanders is like "wtf man jesus didn't say that"
Well Sh*t
Well someone is horny
Why do you think his name is Oak?
nobody knows when cthulhu will demmand a sacrifice
Get out.
This happens more often than I like to confess
Tough luck
Brace yourself. Halloween is coming.
Hitler flirting
apply cold water to burned area.
You can see the guy thinking; Maybe i get a happy end if i take the deluxe
Why Japan is weird
But what is he hunting?
Major balls.. he's got them
When you die
His Reaction is Priceless
Curiosity killed the cat
That's Why He Wasn't In The Avengers Movie
Aww.. that's so sweet
Traffic Cop
Kill it before it spawns
Snape had a "thing" for her
Insert Car Here:
Cause woman that's why
Pretty much
Hugelol in a nutshell
When you least expect it...
I wonder about the smell...
Unnecessary censorship.
Intruder alert
two stereotypes in one, it must be your lucky day
MFW hitting my toe against a table.
Take that ridiculous thing off!
I cant "bear" this situation
That awkward moment when you realize you are dating your deceased grandpa.
She knows about that.
Dealing with truancy like a boss
its ok he looks official
Circle of Life...
Dr_Eevee will be so proud!
So my head exploaded, just as the tortuga did, the end.
Annoying Childhood Morpheus
Bumper desks
Best Costum Ever
X-box live
With a side of pity rings and a sorrow shake...
Some will understand...
chuck norris, who else
The Germans just used gas instead.
Moderate Dark Humor.
The Simpsons: Breaking Bad
Who hath begun thy summoning?
I love you grandma
Did you see that NSA ? I won !!
problems, problems
Wake up everyone this is serious
You came to the wrong neighbourhood, drunk guy!
Fapping after a family vacation
I bet those red truck truckers plan that ahead