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I am new here! I'm gonna tell all my well-wishers for the last time... just saying that it's a 'Repost' is not enough plz provide a link to support your hypothesis..

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Legend has it we can still hear him cry at night
But her brother did!
Or maybe a sibling?
Gabe Newell and #3
my grandma
12 o'clock precisely
it's a trap!
Jim why can't just crash
Yellow b*stard
The Great Emu War
nice story
You are the only one who always believes in me
Spidey to the rescue
mad world
Appreciate the honesty
poor sun must be so lonely
my father will hear about this..
So this is how you obtain what they call "a date"...
New Year's resolution
Every gym owner on January first
chinese hardware stores
1 liek = 1 help for a child
This should be a thing.
Oh no!!
grandma living the thug life
Tyler on Miley
niggas be like
"Dad, they beat you bad. Like, really bad. That was embarrassing. Mom said don't come home."
shibe at restaurant
dont be a racist but always go for sex sex sex free sex tonight..
making my way downtown
the new king of /b/
Saw the christmas present he got her and it hit me
He plugs it up his ass
The difference 20 years makes.
Pokemon irl
what a surprise
Couch bag
British national pride
That was a hard pun to come up with
hello? yes this is dovahkiin
Bad Luck Viking
perfect 'murican diet
Hi horny im dad
Stay back SATAN!!!
anti-rape pants
in enemious territory
Much religion
Filthy soap
Pew pew
yeah dammit
liek dis if u cri evrytim
Spawns of Satan.
I'ts a typo, that's all
It's not what it looks like!
Hugelol comments never disappoint me
How to make A cat go insane
But mom!
Hate it when the closet dwarf steals my hamburger
It sure can....
I guess love is overrated
Expert Pick-up Line.
sorry if it's offensive to someone
Are you feeling lucky.....punk?
Omg mom, you don't understand!
when someone flirts with me, and i dont notice
All they do is complain..
Sacrificing for science
It is somewhere, I know it!
That Feel
Ransom Demands these days.
Racism is bad
story of my life
Plot twist
Will, you marry me.
Oh, how i miss this show
I came
Cuz no good story starts with "So, there was this horse..."
you must really hate/love someone to say that
I guess you could say he was well done.
I doubt he has a medical degree
my new year plans
short people problem
i cant title right now. boobs?
The love train never stops
he wanted to put his basilisk in her chamber of secrets
poor Dosh.
"Hmm let me think.. uppercut, uppercut, jab…" (brb going to hell)
Robert Downey JR everyone!
what did you expected ?
worst parents ever
Get out
i think he is kill
So extraordinary... Apologies in advance.
Knew it