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A stupid guy doing stupid things. I often post stuff from other sites, and when i try to make OC, i fail miserably and i am left to rot.
I hope you enjoy my shitty-ass posts.

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being a fan goes way back
They are just misunderstood
That seems logic
hardest game ever.
i salute my parents
classic snoop dogg
God no.
at least he can think unlike me
The similarities are astounding!
a guy + no gf = me
Your is music
To infinity, and beyond
Science, byaitch!
The Swiss and punctuality
pic of Justin Biebers arrest
F*cking recession hits hard
break ups break ups everywhere...
this joke worths a million dick
I don't see race
biscuit brake...
Bring da party with
we'll call the new genre trauma
Another era for masturbating
Kim Jong Un did it
Average CoD player tries out another FPS
Life as death
just canadian things
are you feeling them now mr krabs?
Let it go, man, let it go
the only true answer is gaben
Ive done it to harder
Last Christmas I gave you mein gas
Damn, son!
I think that he is officially my Spirit Animal.
because there are are men in jail.
Nailed it.
The forces of nature are cruel.
big red starship enterprise
Omegle at it's finest........
I know (no more jb) but this is funny and true
I think she lost something...
"Expect the unexpected" Mahatma Gandhi
common misconceptions of ireland
I don't think people understand the gravity of how shitty a situation like that would be
the bible told me so
Wavy Seals
club can't handle half my swag
Kill da fagget get da ***
voldemort, he nose what's missing
Justin Bieber fans trying to defend everything he does.
How i imagine tumblr users
Just 1 easy step for a magnificent beard!
The LoL community, a special place for special people
The difference between *** and Hugelol
the similarites are astounding
what i imagine people in colorado and washington right now..
nailed it
This guy has a lot of friends
ahh the internet made of porn and hate
I want a cat now
didn't work that well huh?
Yup yup
the stupidity terrifies me
getting used to 4chan
Unbelievable amount of ***s not given.
no not like that STOP
pretty much.
13.2% chance to counter-attack
OP plays oblivion
Christianity 1 - Africa 0
free box
Oh, the horror
his parents must have hated him
good shot, but neily missed him
I approve this tweet.
More like EDDM festivals
he gets an A4 effort
My elf eyes see a ***
Why I keep drinking
Time Haters..
I've made a huge mistake, step-by-step.
the kid in the back is feeling it
I don't know what I expected
Don't be a dick
Aim high
That pic brought a tear to my eye...
you have my attention.
not this sh*t again
truer words have never been spoken
michael cera
Basically me on Hugelol