Making him work overtime for his Oscar


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PauloLage · 18 points · 11 years ago *
Who the *** is the yellow guy who won an oscar, between Daniel and Anne?

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PauloLage · 1 points · 10 years ago
i laughed so hard at that i went into a coma for 1 month and was only able to reply now. I LOVE YOU.

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HorstVanDoom · 5 points · 11 years ago
the face of nicholas cage should have appeared, just to maximize to the humiliation

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diegosv144 · 2 points · 11 years ago
Another "Leonardo Di' Caprio not winning an Oscar Joke"
No more pls
No more pls

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deleo · 5-Year Club · -3 points · 11 years ago
Hugelol's policy against reposts are very strict: if 98% of the images are similar, it's a repost, otherwise it's hilarious

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